8920 S. 1700 East, Sandy, UT 84093

Monday Minute, November 7, 2022

Dear Parents,

We are celebrating White Ribbon Week this week and appreciate PTA helping promote Digital Citizenship.   This morning I was in Mrs. West’s 4th grade class and was excited to see an activity that grew out of their discussion this morning during Morning Meeting.  Students had written compliments on post-it notes for their classmates.  Students had more than one note about something that was good about them stuck to their desk.  Way to go, Fourth Graders!


Emergency Drills

Each month we practice an emergency drill so that we’ll know what to do if an emergency happens.  This week we’ll be practicing Shelter in Place.  We use this protocol if there’s danger outside our building that necessitates us staying inside.  It might be a gas leak or it could be a police matter in the neighborhood.  Teachers gather all students from the hallways and makes sure they are in class.   They hold class as normal, but students are not allowed outside our building.  If the danger carries over to recess, we would hold an inside recess that day.  We try not to raise any anxiety in students and just go over the protocols that keep us safe.


Kindness Is Cool

Here are some examples of kindness happening at our school these past couple of months.  We have the best students!

Ka’eo Apo (Kindergarten) – looking at teacher and participating in class

Mason Cox (5th grade) – holding open the door for a parent

Izzy Olson & Addy Orullian (5th grade) – helping the kindergarteners in the lunchroom every day

Lydia Featherstone & Adele Tuttle (2nd grade) – helping a friend who was sad and lonely and felt like they had no friends

Siena Jensen (4th grade) – volunteering to help a science buddy


Upcoming Dates

Nov. 14th—5th grade Reaction Time (a special science assembly)

Nov. 16th—Report cards from the first grading period will be coming home this day

Nov. 18th—Spirit Day;  Rainbow Day—

  • 5th grade: Purple
  • 4th grade: Blue
  • 3rd grade: Green
  • 2nd Grade: Orange
  • 1st Grade: Yellow
  • Kinder: Pink and Red
  • Staff- White

Nov. 23rd-25th—Thanksgiving Recess; No school

Nov. 29th—First Grade field trip to the Natural History Museum

Nov. 30th—Fifth Grade field trip to see the play at Union Middle School


It’s a great day to be an eagle!  


Julie Fielding, Principal

Silver Mesa Elementary



Important Links:

School Website:  https://silvermesa.canyonsdistrict.org/ 

Instagram:  silvermesa_eagles

Parent Volunteer application: https://volunteer.canyonsdistrict.org/volunteersystem/#!/application/volunteer//

School Front Office:  (801) 826-9400




PTA Info


Instagram- silver_mesa_pta

Facebook- Silver Mesa PTA

Calendar- Click here 


*-White Ribbon Week- Nov 7-11

PTA sponsors white ribbon week each year to help kids understand how to use technology in safe and healthy ways. Click here for more details.  Sign up HERE to help!


*-Science Fair- Coming soon!


*-Utah PTA Awards-Submit by Jan 14

The Utah PTA Awards Program is designed to offer greater opportunities for recognizing those who devote their time and energy on behalf of children. Click here to nominate someone


*-Watch D.O.G.S (Dads of Great Students)

WATCH D.O.G.S. ® (Dads Of Great Students) is a family and community engagement educational initiative. 

There are 2 primary goals of the WATCH D.O.G.S. ® program.

 1) To provide positive male role models for the students, demonstrating by their presence that education is important.

 2) To provide extra sets of eyes and ears to enhance school security and reduce bullying.

For more information Click here

If you are interested in being a Watch D.O.G.S. volunteer, Click HERE



Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org