Dear Parents,
Just a quick reminder about our parking lot entrance and exit. We use the north area for entering and the south for exiting. If you are dropping off your child for breakfast in the morning on the north side, please pull through the drive through lane and exit at the south end of our building. We’ve had a couple of close calls when cars exit on the north end. We do allow our buses to exit there, but we stop traffic to do so. We’ve also had some students try to cross 1700 East near the north entrance. There is no crosswalk there, and cars are not expecting that. We’ve reminded our students not to cross except at a crosswalk, but reminders from parents are helpful too. Thank you!
November Eagles of the Month
Congratulations to all our Eagles of the Month! They have been selected by their teachers for this honor, and we are proud of them!
Crabtree AM: Stesha Jackson Crabtree PM: Chelsey Broadhead Keller: Spencer Jensen
1st grade:
Milianta: Lexii Elmer Orosco: Blair Wixom Latoni: Emmy Bleazard Sanz: Madeline Kupstas
2nd grade:
Coleman: Gordon Declan Leonard Guzman: Leigha Graff
Gallo: Bash Brood
Vincent: Olivia Anderson Smith: Jefferson Ortiz Cante
3rd grade:
Wilkinson: Chase Twitchell Kunzler: Hogan Hedges Christensen: Willow Moore Trifilio: Rosie Lowder
4th grade:
Baird/West: Sierra Mitchell Arbeloa: Fisher Falkner Brown: Sam White Fowden: Lorelei Haymore
5th grade:
Deem: Loggan Wallace Sandgren: Cora Branscomb Perez: Ranger Shosted
Nelson: Charlie Grigg
Hayes: Tais Mili Arellanes Bernal
Kindness Is Cool
Here are some more examples of kindness happening at our school these past couple of weeks. We have the best students!
Matias Mendoza (2nd grade) – picking up garbage all over the playground and field during recess
Amelia Judkins (1st grade) – helping to clean up our books
Taytum Christiansen (4th grade) – being kind and helpful with a friend during science Azylea Olson (4th grade) Being so patient and kind while helping a friend in science Spencer Jensen (Kindergarten) – helping a friend with his work
Quinn Swanson (1st grade) – helping his friend who hurt his knee
Connor Shaw (5th grade) – being polite and anticipating the needs of a kindergartener by holding the door open
School Website:
Instagram: silvermesa_eagles
Parent Volunteer application
Lunch Menus:
PTA News
No PTA meeNng this month. Next one will be Jan 4th at 12:30
PTA Membership:
Be a voice for your child! Just $6.50 to provide naNonal, state and local advocacy for your student. No parNcipaNon/volunteering is required beyond signing up as a member, but you are always welcome!
Sign up today:
Want to know where your dues go?
Come Play With PTA
There are some Come Play With PTA events coming up for our PTA members. This program is one of the benefits of membership and gives you discounts to acNviNes around the valley. Click on the links below to get the details!
hWps:// hWps:// hWps:// hWps://
Janae Powell
Education Specialist/Behavior Coordinator Silver Mesa Elementary