School District M
September 20, 2023
Board or Education
Silver Mesa Elementary and SCe
ISSPAmendment Request
Silver Mesa Elementary would like to amend their 2023-2024S S P in order to better serve the
needs of their students.
Reason Tor the proposed amendment:
the original goal was to implementthrive time,the district developed curriculumt o help
students develop beneficial social skills that will help them throughout their life. The curriculum
roll-out was not fully ready to implement school-wide, so we wanted to adjust the goal to
encorportate the newly developed PBIS school-widematrix.
Original Goal:Original Allocated Expenditures:
Silver Mesa will implement the Canyons District life skills curriculum “Thrive Time” in all
classrooms during Morning Meetings throughout the 2023-24 school year.
Action Plan Summary:
1-Hire a certified teacher part-time to support behavior and school climate initiatives
(857,000 ISSP)
2-Provide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports Incentives tor students and adults
3-Provide professional development surrounding behavior management strategies and
instructional priorities that will support building relationships and implementing new
4- Continue promoting kindness as a school-wide theme
Observational data during Morning Meetings and during PLus discussions
School District
Progress communicated to Stakeholders:
In the fall and spring Iwill report to our SCC and PTA as to our progresslearning in
implementing the curriculum
1-Salaries & Employee Benetits 100 and 200 $51,000
a-Action Plan #1-Part-time certified teacher to support positive student behavior in
the school climate (ISSP)
2-General Supplies 610 $3,00
a-Action Plan#2–PBIS incentives for students and adults (TSSP)
Proposed ISSP/LANDTrust Goal Change:
Silver Mesa will implement their newly developed PBIS school-wide rules matrix with
ridelity, teaching all students and other stakeholders school rules (SOAR: Safe, Only kind,
Act Responsibly, Respect Everyone).
Proposed Expenditure Change:
Action Plan Summary.
1. Hire a certified part-time teacher to support behavior and school climate initiatives
($57,000 TSSP)
2. ProvidePBISMatrixforallareasoftheschoolandschoolrulesposterstoeach
classroom and area as needed-English and Spanish ($1,000 [SSP)
3. Provide videos teaching the rules and expectations for the different areas in the
school based on the PBIS Matrix
4. Provide an agreed upon Majors and Minors chart to help guide discipline
5. Provide professional development around how to input data into Discipline
Dashboard fordocumentation and tracking purposes on Majors and Minors for
student discipline
Train teachers, all staff, and students on the new SOAR Cards, Principal Pride Slips,
Eagle of the Month, and any other new student incentives put in place
Provide PBIS incentives for students and adults ($2,000 I S S P )
a. Principal Pride
b. Principal Pride Quarterly
c. Principal Pride End ot Year
d. Eagle of the Month Award
e. Principal Pride for Teachers Plantimesthroughouttheyear,afterlongbreaks,toreteachstudents’school-wide
expectations and rules (Winter Break, Spring Break)