Next meeting: November 3rd, 7:15 a.m.
SCC Members | Role | Present |
Scott Poulsen | Chair | X |
Nanette Hosenfeld | Parent |
Wesley Novack | Vice Chair | X |
Jeremy Hodgson | Parent | X |
Julie Fielding | Principal | X |
Amy Sandgren | 5th grade Teacher | Excused |
Agenda items:
Welcome and introductions
No new members this year.
Vote on Chair and Vice Chair
Chair = Scott Poulsen and Vice Chair = Wesley Novack
2020-2019 Meeting Schedule
First Wednesday of each month from 7:15 to 8:15 a.m., there will be no meeting in Jan and April.
Fall data
Screeners (quick assessments):
K-3 at 73% of benchmark (last year 73%)
4-5 at 57% of benchmark (last year 58%)
k-5 at 60% of benchmark (last year 60%)
Land Trust/TSSP review, school focus
Main focus will continue to be English Language Arts, foundational skills and structured classroom discussions, also pulled in dyad reading. May have to amend our goals because of curriculum changes on the district level. We also want to change our goal to a growth goal instead of just a number. Will use Acadience data to help determine what the growth goal should be, since we have used Acadience for several years.
Digital Citizenship
Mrs. Guzmon is our coordinator. Monthly reminders and then a yearly activity. Students receive training during brain boosters. Also use the Monday Minute for parent education. In the past SCC has done something for digital citizenship during the STEAM night.
School happenings
PTA – Fundraising was a big success this year.
Halloween – Date was posted in Monday Minute, it will be outside.
Substitute shortage – Severe shortage on school and district level.