Silver Mesa School Community Council (SCC)
November 21, 2024
5:30 p.m.
- Ginger Broadbent, Chair present
- Megan Taylor, Parent present
- Kimberly Ranney, Parent
- Chanci Loran, Parent
- Mark Gourley, Parent
- Jonelle Redzikowski, Parent present
- Cindy Tibbetts, Teacher present
- Chelsea Prime, Teacher present
- Aimee Wagner, Principal present
- Tami Dautel, Academic Coach
Meeting Minutes Review
Approved sept min
approved safe walking-Expert in walking paths and walking bridges. We have her business card (info in chat) email from susan edwards saying routes reviewed? ANything else? Aimee will add contact info for potential bridge cottonwood heights city worker Ellen Birrell-, 385-910-5942,
data review
climate, math ela goals and steps to meet goals
safety feedback
upcoming safety walkthrough
Look into how many students are using the routes. Data dashboard (non permit, by location sort) Aimee will ask IT how many students in each area, promised to get that information for SCC. Chanci said she is happy to look into it.
Motion to approve Oct minutes, all in favor.
SCC Membership: Welcome
Agenda Items
- Digital Citizenship – By Principal
interland-how to be internet awesome.
Canyons implementation toolbox for digital citizenship 5 aspects practiced in school. All information available in implementation toolbox.
We need a plan in place with how we will teach digital citizenship in the school.
Filtering system link missing-Aimee will update
Filtering system- content keeper report. Tells anytime the internet filters out and blocks something. (explicit images, videos, words, searches)
Any content accessed on Silver Mesa Internet. Reports through logins are accessible by administration. If there is anything inappropriate, admin will contact parents to discuss what was searched.
Ginger commented about issues with middle school. In 4th, students learned how to access youtube through the slides. District needs to address the issue.
Scratch being used for coding but they are using it as social media like a facebook feed. Ginger will email Aimee Wagner so she can enter it into the Learn Platform to request blocking for the site.
Digital Citizenship lessons are in thrive time lessons too.
Receiving lessons in English.
Can teachers send specific Digital Citizenship lessons pertaining to their grade level to families?- Aimee loves the idea of including the lessons in monthly newsletters.
Ginger motion to approve the plan, all in favor.
Principal Report
We will do a lot in Jan (evaluate data, master schedules and TSSP plan and how to spend the money.)
Safety Committee- Safety concerns brought up to assistant principal to evaluate the safety and the efficiency of drills and such. Angela is making a committee to gather and discuss safety concerns. She has started meetings with facilities manager and front office (Lisa Repp) to see how fast we can get through the drills. Angela can present in December.
Crisis go must be used when we return and then she will have data to
Cindy- email in Dec and data and safety in Jan
Prime- push to January but keep the plan and review going but not at SCC until Jan
Ginger- Would be good to get the information in December
Motion to cancel the December meeting, all in favor.
Upcoming Events:
- Digital Citizenship – Due December, 2024
23rd of January-Data Review, look at TSSP goals (finalized by Feb), Safety concerns. Angela will talk about safety as the safety specialist and bring data from the Crisis Go drill.
Aimee will send emails to SCC members between now and Jan meeting if she needs information