2022-23 School Year
School Community Council (SCC)
Meeting #5
March 1, 2023
SCC Members | Role | Present |
Scott Poulsen | Chair | x |
Wesley Novack | Vice Chair | x |
Nanette Hosenfeld | Parent |
Jeremy Hodgson | Parent | x |
Ginger Broadbent | Parent | x |
Doug Oviatt | Parent | x |
Megan Pales | Parent | x |
Sam Milianta | Teacher | x |
Julie Fielding | Principal | x |
Lisa Coleman | Teacher | x |
Katie Christensen | Teacher | x |
Karen Pedersen District Rep x
Agenda items:
Approve last month’s minutes and review action items
Correction to last month’s notes: We met the reading goal and came close to the math goal. Scott will revise and sent out.
Question from last month: Is Land Trust money allocated to private schools?
JULIE: No, it is not.
Approve TSSP plan for 2023-24 school year
- Signatures from all SCC members will be needed
- Some revisions still need to be made. Julie will review with the BLT and determine where they need to cut back some spending.
- Current version of the plan – WILL BE REVISED to meet budget:
- Comments/Questions about this current version
- The software requests are based on a lot of positive feedback from teachers about the programs they (and kids) really like
- Lexia is not included here – we think the state will continue to pay for that.
- Julie will add provisions for add’l funding if the distributions are higher than currently projected
- Teachers strongly support keeping the Behavior Coord., Janae Powell
- The amounts listed for this position and the MTSS assistants represents all costs for that employee (salary, tax, insurance, etc.)
- We are required to spend 90% of the TSSP funding in the planned year, cannot carry-over too large amount
- Julie will get final distribution totals in the Summer, but typically it does not change much from the projection
- Places Julie and the BLT may trim spending:
- Move some software to the school budget
- PTA might take on some items from this budget
- May be able to scale back slightly on the Behavior Coord. costs
Thrive Time
- This is the new SEL program that Canyons District has developed internally. Karen Pedersen was involved in the development and is here to discuss and answer any questions.
- Replaces “Second Step” program which was discontinued in Fall 2021
- A few classrooms will be in the pilot for the remainder of this year
- Hope to implement schoolwide next year
- Karen is on the committee that reviews this program. Has taken over a year, district produced curriculum are generally much better than purchased materials, so they are very happy with the new program. Because this was developed internally, there is more flexibility to change the content as needed.
- Parents have access to all materials –
- Wes dropped the link in chat: https://www.canyonsdistrict.org/thrivetime/
- WES: What made this program more attractive than previous programs, to the wider audience?
- KAREN: We can customize the curriculum based on needs of our local instructional team, based on feedback from our local parents/teachers.
- GINGER: Example of one. Of the lessons?
- KAREN: Following directions (in 1st grade) talk about the concept, then practice with an activity, Simon Says – can play that game all week long.
- MEGAN: How is the pilot implementation being evaluated – to see how well it worked?
- KAREN: We can measure based one Behavior goals at schools, survey of teachers and parents
- WES: Thanks to Karen for transparency from the district in this development process.
- KAREN: felt a need for an educator to participate and has had very positive receptions
School happenings
- Literacy Month—March 21st is Literacy Night
- Weather permitting, Food Trucks will return!
- School Staffing for next year
- Will be losing 2 teachers
- Milianta in 1st grade – moving to WA.
- Another teacher, no more info yet
- Will get school staffing FTE allocations for next year
- Outgoing 5th grade cohort is larger than the incoming Kindergarten cohort.
- Hopefully the add’l 1st graders that will join for Dual Immersion will help offset that difference so that the FTE does not drop.
- Will be losing 2 teachers
- Drills (Hazardous Materials in Feb. and Carbon Monoxide in March)
- Home visits
- District has grant to pay teachers to visit student homes (grant through June 2024)
- Reqirements:
- Teachers must be trained (will happen soon)
- Teachers must visit in pairs
- Must be at least 2 visits
- Parents can opt-in/out
- Teachers can opt-in/out