8920 S. 1700 East, Sandy, UT 84093

January 23, 2025 – Minutes

Silver Mesa School Community Council (SCC)

January 23, 2025

5:30 p.m.


  • Ginger Broadbent, Chair present
  • Megan Taylor, Parent present
  • Kimberly Ranney, Parent 
  • Chanci Loran, Parent present
  • Mark Gourley, Parent 
  • Jonelle Redzikowski, Parent present
  • Cindy Tibbetts, Teacher present
  • Chelsea Prime, Teacher present
  • Aimee Wagner, Principal present
  • Tami Dautel, Instructional Coach
  • Natalia, Parent present
  • Angela Oviatt present
  • Richard Moore, Assistant Facilities Manager, present

Meeting Minutes Review approved at 5:39

SCC Membership:  Welcome

Agenda Items

  1. Open Discussion School Safety – Ginger Broadbent, SCC Chair
    1. Silver Mesa is in need of upgrades as it is an older school. School safety specialist used to be principal. Now the 24-25 school year, someone other than principal needs to be designated. Angela is school safety specialist for Silver Mesa. Some changes with funding are immediate 
    1. Safety Committees, Safety Specialist, Drills, School Need Assessment – Angela Oviatt, Assistant Principal Report
      1. CISA- Schools must conduct this report with a school resource officer. Based on information from 23-24, information and the district specialist (Ryan Jakeman) deemed funds and then determined the necessity and priority of safety concerns and how to spend funds..
        1. Angela went through a walk around on Oct 7th. Sat with SRO and answered questions about fencing and surveillance, doors with badge access, “hold opens” on doors, reporting system and links to law enforcement, etc. 
        2. In the fall they installed all new cameras to get 9-11 points of view in and outside the building. All student/grade exterior doors have been upgraded to unable to be propped open.  Installed 6 additional camera points to address blind spots.
        3. When doing assessment, we should be able to see 2 cameras on either end to monitor every area around the building.
        4. We can identify priorities within our building and send information to Ryan Jakeman but how funds are being used is a district decision.
        5. Question asked: What are priorities? Risk management will prioritize communications with law enforcement. Will be reviewed in board meetings but it is best discussed privately, not publicized, for safety reasons.
          1. Doors
          2. Fences, keeping kids on property and safe
          3. Where we park and cross at crosswalks
          4. Lack of access
          5. limited space between school and “safety” yellow line
          6. Space in the building
          7. Cameras cannot go on portables so anywhere with portables have blind spots.
            1. cannot see what is behind them
          8. Question: Are they only funding money toward the highschool football field? Hillcrest is also getting a new field…
          9. Aimee has asked, “when is our school up for one?” 
          10. Question asked: Can we put mats on the gym walls?
            1. We can revisit some ways to prevent that from happening. There are general processes they do across all schools (elementary, middle and high school). We have some additional funds in budget to do things on school level. Better management, small changes made without needing risk management approval.
          11. Question: In summary, what can our SCC members do to help?
            1. : Go to the board and advocate for changes. Bring ideas of safety priorities to Angela and she can forward the ideas to Ryan as feedback from community and suggestions for using the available funds.
    2. Risk Management Walk Through – Richard Moore, Assistant Facilities Manager Report
      1. Ryan Jakeman did an Blind Risk Assessment walkthrough with assistant coordinator of exterior grounds. Focus on mechanical access.
      2. Findings: building was secure.
        1. They couldn’t access the building without a badge or key.
        2. They found “hold open” doors that Richard had been requesting get fixed. Agreed it needed to get fixed and has since been corrected.
        3. School action committee (SAC)- What problems are present and what can we do to solve problems. Aimee addressed some concerns with doors not staying open and why they SHOULDN’T stay open.  
    3. Crisis Go Report – What it is? How we use it? – Richard and Angela
      1. Crisis Go is an app in response to another bill saying all teachers should have quick access to a “panic button” to call an emergency wherever they are.
        1. Silver Mesa successfully used it twice.
      2. Back to the drawing board:
        1. New legislation, house bill up for evaluation now and if it goes through we cannot use Crisis Go.
        2. Safety Committee-organize drills, who sweeps, elicits feedback and time for drills.
    4. Safe Routes – Aimee Wagner, Principal
      1. Email about a bridge!
        1. Every year, UDOT offers money for supports for schools. When Chanci was a principal, her SCC advocated for curbs and sidewalks, now they have some through UDOT. Community pushed though, risk management took it to city organizations to get funding.
        2. Silver Mesa can apply for the funding to make the bridge. 
        3. We have 25-30% of students that walk the route and could benefit from a bridge across 13th. Aimee motioned to create a sub committee to apply for this. All in favor, motion passed.
          1. Request: Can we get Silver Mesa windows? It is a wellness issue… Chanci said she knew a volunteer that worked at a construction company and they gave the portables natural lighting.
    5. Open Discussion and Concerns

Principal Report

  1. Data Report-We have to write 3 different goals for next year’s support needs. Academic, Behavioral, Climate.
    1. ODR –
      1. Office disciplinary referrals. How we track and “code” larger behavior issues in building and parents are always contacted.
        1. Physical aggression
        2. minor repeated disruptions
        3. defiance
        4. fighting
      2. 5 levels
        1. managed by teacher
        2. normally managed by teacher but repetitive and starting to involve additional support
        3. more severe, physical aggression or harm. Chronic minors
        4. Sexual misbehavior (pantsing, smacking private parts)
        5. Serious school safety violations (weapons, large fights)
      3. At this point in the year we have 94 at a level 3 or higher. Minors reported are usually level 2. Last year it was around 200. 
    2. Academic
      1. Acadience data came in from testing. We can do a deeper dive next meeting to determine the need for next year based on data.
    3. SRSS-IE
      1. Data collected for emotional wellness based on how the student is performing in class. Internal and external behavior screeners to see emotional wellness. We will finish the screeners in January and can look at data next time to see where we want to fund/support student wellness.
  2. TSSP and LandTrust Money Accountability Report
    1. TSSA
      1. Majority of funds is for our hourly assistance-employees in the building that directly support students. 
      2. Supplies and software- iReady
      3. Question: Will it roll over? 10% will roll over. As time goes on, we have a bigger need in March (no vacations) and that amount will get used up. 
    2. LandTrust
      1. BLT meeting subs, planning days, assistants, school counselor and music teacher paid from the LandTrust budget. If we run out of LandTrust we can move it over.
      2. Inservice- tech development, supplies, student incentives
    3. **Let’s start with the goals and see how we can meet the goals.
    4. If we have more that needs to be spent
      1. good idea to look at next year’s needs.
        1. planning day
        2. textbooks
        3. sensory room for students
        4. software access

Next meeting is 2/7th. Motion to adjourn at 6:53

Upcoming Events:

  • Digital Citizenship – Due December, 2024
  • create a sub committee to apply for UDOT funds for bridge

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