2022-23 School Year
School Community Council (SCC)
Meeting #4
Feb 1, 2023
SCC Members | Role | Present |
Scott Poulsen | Chair | X |
Wesley Novack | Vice Chair | X |
Nanette Hosenfeld | Parent | X |
Jeremy Hodgson | Parent | X |
Ginger Broadbent | Parent | X |
Doug Oviatt | Parent | X |
Megan Pales | Parent | X |
Julie Fielding | Principal | X |
Sam Milianta | Teacher |
Agenda items:
Approve last month’s minutes and review actions
Minutes were approved. Julie will get them posted.
Data from our most recent mid-year Acadience & RI testing
Overall, results were positive in both reading and math.
In Math:
- All grades showed increases in proficiency from Fall to Winter.
- Winter Proficiency + Growth is at or above target (85%) in all but first grade.
In Reading:
- Some drops in proficiency from Fall to Winter in first grade and third grade.
- Low Fall proficiency in fourth grade likely due to these being new tests for these kids and the test having an end-of-year benchmark.
- Winter Proficiency + Growth is at or above the goal (77%) in all but first grade.
Teacher of the Year nominations
Please provide input, make a nomination
Initial Discussion of our TSSP plan for 2023-24
Quick recap of previous year’s goals
- Close to reading goal last year
- Met math goal last year
- 100% teachers implement morning meetings
2023-24 Discussion
Julie Met with BLT – Building Leadership Team
Would like to continue spending in the same areas as the past
All of Land Trust funds (~$70K) on aides:
Would like to maintain the same # as this year
Reading, math, traveling grade to grade
Aides received a pay increase this year, has increased costs some
TSSP $ (~$72K total) mostly for personnel
~$50K – Part time Behavior coordinator, Janae Powell
Some $$ for Hardware and Software
Dreambox – state grants pay for 50%, TSSP for the rest
ReadingPlus for higher grades
Some $$ Professional Development for teachers and staff
In the past, b/c COVID, few teachers have participated in things outside school hours. Would like to provide opportunities to increase this participation now.
Substitutes for teachers to take a planning day
Julie will have the exact numbers to go over last time.
School happenings
STEAM night went well – food trucks were missed
Literacy night – will try to have food trucks back
All new events in the Monday Minute
Additional Discussion/Questions
Enrollment at Silver Mesa
Enrollment is currently ~575 students, highest was 630
5th grade cohort is currently ~90 kids
Incoming Kindergarten cohort ~75
Some increases in state funding has offset that drop
Any insights into why our enrollment has dropped?
Housing prices have jumped, many new families with elementary age kids have been priced out of the neighborhood
Overall birth rate has fallen for past several years
The full-day Kindergarten at Silver Mesa has pulled some new kids in
Dual immersion has also pulled additional kids in
Ginger: Could dual immersion classes increase to allow more to come from outside boundaries
This would mean that the neighborhood class is the same group of kids each year, this can be problematic
Adding a third Spanish class could be possible, but the logistics are tricky:
Would need part-time teachers to facilitate the mid-day swap Eng/Spanish
Min number of students per class is set at 28
Some exceptions can be made (for siblings in same grade, ex.)
Wes: Did Beehive Academy’s full time Kindergarten impact our enrollment
Julie: Yes, some did leave, but a few also came back afterwards
Wes: Do you see possibility of some advertising/promotion to increase Silver Mesa enrollment
Julie: District team does work on that efforts to promote our schools