8920 S. 1700 East, Sandy, UT 84093

April 20, 2023 – Minutes

2022-23 School Year

School Community Council (SCC)

Meeting #6

Apr 12, 2023


SCC Members Role Present
Scott Poulsen Chair X
Wesley Novack Vice Chair X
Nanette Hosenfeld Parent
Jeremy Hodgson Parent X
Ginger Broadbent Parent
Doug Oviatt Parent X
Megan Pales Parent X
Julie Fielding Principal X
Sam Milianta Teacher X


Agenda items:

Approve last month’s minutes and review actions

Minutes were approved. Julie will get them posted.


TSSP Plan is ready for SCC signatures. It will be at the fron office.


School Staffing Updates

Sam Milianta—1st grade teacher (moving to Washington state)

Silvia Sanz—1st grade Spanish teacher (Teaching at the University of Utah/earning her masters degree)

Laura Arbeloa—4th grade Spanish teacher (Staying home with her new baby)

Katie Penn—3rd/4th ACC teacher (moving to another school to be a resource teacher)

Christy Tharp—Art Teacher in the Brain Boosters (focusing on her personal art and graphic design)


Julie Fielding – Principle (moving from Silver Mesa, going to Altara ES)

Noelle Jones from Alta View ES will replace Julie.


School Happenings

Rise testing coming up in May

Fields trips happening soon

1st and 4th grade school programs, Kindergarten might be doing one towards the end of the year

Book Blitz Competition: Silver Mesa Team going to district competition

Earthquake drill happening this month



Decided against a Cultural Night this year, will try to arrange it next year

Teacher appreciation wk May 8-12

Field Day May 22nd

Kindergarten will have their own the previous week


Additional Discussion/Questions

Wes: Can you (Julie) give us some insight into the process when Principals are moved?

Julie: Usually Principals provide feedback to the board about whether they would like to stay or are ready for a change. Sometimes Elem. Principals want to try other schools or move up to middle schools. This creates a domino effect, and the spots need to be filled. Julie was very happy at Silver Mesa, the board informed her that she was going to be placed at Altara.




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Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org