2023-24 School Year
School Community Council (SCC) Meeting # 4
Date: 1/10/24
SCC Members Role
Doug Oviatt Chair Ginger Broadbent Vice Chair Megan Pales Parent Jacquelyn Gravelle Parent Kimberly Ranney Parent
Rob Smith Parent Noelle Jones Principal Cindy Tibbetts Teacher Chelsea Prime Teacher/Secretary Annie Nixon Instructional Coach
Agenda items:
Welcome and approval of the previous meetings minutes
To Do:
– Make sure minutes get uploaded to the Silver Mesa Elementary website to be in compliance. There are no minutes uploaded for October or November of 2023.
– Feb 10 meeting, we need to approve Nov and January minutes (do we also need to approve Oct minutes, since they aren’t uploaded to the website?)
2023-24 SCC Meeting Schedule (ZOOM LINK)
We will continue with the second Wednesday of the month at 7:15 AM in the library and via zoom.
● 2/10/24 ● 3/13/24 ● 4/10/24 ● 5/8/24
Land Trust/TSSP review, school focus
Had no items to discuss
Academic data
Reviewed the newly released data which includes most up-to-date student testing data
TSI Status for Special Education Students and Multilingual Learners
TSI Information
This information was presented to the Silver Mesa teachers and staff. Silver Mesa has been identified by the State of Utah as one of the bottom 5% of schools in the state with the least amount of growth for the special ed population (2-3 years of declining progress for students with IEPs or
multilingual learners). Silver Mesa has 15% of the general ed population who meet this criteria. Typically a school’s special ed/multilingual population will be closer to 10%.
Faculty and staff at Silver Mesa will work together to address this issue by:
– starting with each teacher receiving another copy of each IEP and meet with resource teacher to ENSURE we are meeting all classroom accommodations as outlined in the IEPs
– ensuring and *normalizing* that every student with IEP receive accommodations; for example, testing in the resource room, not in the gen ed classroom