8920 S. 1700 East, Sandy, UT 84093

Safe Walking Route

Silver Mesa is a designated Walk-In school. For the safety and well-being of all students, families and students are to adhere to the following:

1.    The safest, most direct walking routes to Silver Mesa Elementary are listed on the following page. Each parent and child should decide which of these streets is closest and easiest to get to and from their home. Children walking to school should get to one of the designated streets as soon as possible after leaving their home. The designated streets lead to either an adult-controlled crossing, or to an entry directly into the schoolyard.

2.    All students entering the school should use the sidewalks. Students must walk bicycles while on school property, both to and from the bike rack.

3.    Adult crossing guards are stationed at designated locations: Crossing 1700 East and Richard Road.  Each location is equipped with a painted crosswalk and an adult crossing guard. It is imperative that students only cross at these designated locations, where traffic is slowed and controlled.

4.    Children who ride bikes must ride on the right-hand side of the road and never in the middle! When possible, they should cross at intersections where there are adult crossing guards stationed, and they should always walk their bikes across the street. Please train them to be cautious on all streets and intersections where there is no adult supervision. All students are strongly encouraged to wear bike helmets when riding bikes.

5.    A Safety Committee is organized at the school and is constantly looking for ways to improve the safety of our students. All students and parents should follow the traffic, flow patterns, and guidelines.

6.    Students and parents should respect the crossing guards, teachers, parent volunteers, and Safety Patrol members. Please follow their directions as they fulfill their responsibilities.

7.    All students should remember to go straight home from school. Do not talk to, take candy or gifts, or get into the cars of strangers. Any strange behavior should be reported to school staff and/or parents.


Instructions are presented by subdivision:
Sunrise Meadows, Summer Meadows, Silver Mountain Estates, Canyon View Estates, Silver Crest Mesa, Sandy Hills and Silver Crest Park, Canyon Brooks Estates, Sunrise Meadows, Montana Ranchos and Canyon Village:
Walk north on Sterling Drive until you reach the zigzag pathway.  Walk the length of the pathway to Michael Way.  Walk east on Michael Way until you reach 1700 East.  Walk north on 1700 East to the school.

Banner Hill Estates:
Walk east on Michael Way to 1700 East.  Walk north on 1700 East to the school.

Walk east on 8860 South until you reach 1700 East.  Walk south on 1700 East to the school.

Belmont Heights:
Walk to Altair Dr. and continue south to Granada Dr. Walk east on Granada Dr. to the pathway to the school grounds.

Alta Vista:
Walk east to 1700 East. Walk south on 1700 East to the school.

Cavalry Park, Vineyard Glen and Villa Del Sol:
Walk to Granada Dr. Walk east on Granada Dr. to the pathway to the school grounds.

Ridges of Summer Meadows (Eastern portion):
Walk to Highland Dr. and cross at the traffic signal.

Ridges of Summer Meadow (Western portion): 
We recommend parents transport their children to school.  There is not a crosswalk or crosswalk guard to help students cross Newcastle Dr.



Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org