8920 S. 1700 East, Sandy, UT 84093

Monday Minute 8.15.22


Dear Parents,

Our red carpet entry today was so fun!  The students looked great in their first-day-of-school outfits.  Thanks to all the extra parents who helped cheer on our students.  We look forward to doing it again on Thursday to welcome our new kindergarten students.


Thank you! 

Senora Ordaya, our 5th grade Spanish teacher from Peru, wants to share her sincere gratitude for all the donations for her and her family to help set up a home here.  She has been so touched by the generosity of our community.   She received everything off her list—and more!—except for a queen or double bed, which she is purchasing soon.  Mil Gracias!


Drop Off

Our process for the drop-off lane at Silver Mesa is as follows:

  • Always continue to pull forward as far as the next car, or if you are the front car, there is a line on the far south end of this lane by the playground to aim for that is past the main crosswalk.
  • Once your car has stopped, your child(ren) should exit on the right side by the school so they are not by the traffic.
  • Your child can exit the car anywhere along this lane, even down by the kindergarten playground on the north end.  You don’t need to wait until you are close to the cross walk.  It will work more efficiently if we have 10-12 cars pull forward, stop, and all students exit. Then a new line of cars can enter the drop off lane.
  • If your child can’t exit the car independently—meaning you need to get out of the car to help or get something out of the trunk—please park in the parking lot in order to give your child the support they need and not hold up the line.
  • If there is a hold up in the line somewhere, after your child has exited the car, you are welcome to move to the left lane, which is the drive through lane.  You can pass any cars that are stopped and waiting.
  • When exiting our parking lot/drop-off lane, you must turn right on the street in front of our school.  We will get gridlock if cars try to turn left.  If you need to go north, please turn right (south) and turn into the church parking lot and turn around there, or head down Granada and turn north once you hit Altair or 1300 East.
  • If your child is coming for breakfast, the only entrance for students is the front door.  We are keeping the cafeteria doors locked at all times.  Breakfast begins at 7:45.


School Lunch & Breakfast

This year all monies for school lunches and breakfasts are to be paid online. If you need help, please contact our front desk.



School Website:  https://silvermesa.canyonsdistrict.org/

Instagram:  silvermesa_eagles

Parent Volunteer application link:  https://volunteer.canyonsdistrict.org/volunteersystem/volunteer/

Lunch Menus:   https://canyonsdistrict.nutrislice.com/menu/silver-mesa/lunch/2022-08-01


PTA News

*-Join our Silver Mesa PTA here. One Voice for every Child!


*-We are excited that our PTA theme-“Kindness Begins with Me” will continue into this year.  We will also be offering it in Spirit Wear again. Get your Spirit Wear here


*-Hello incoming 4th and 5th grade parents,

All 4th and 5th graders have the opportunity to help with safety patrol. They will be assigned a few times throughout the year, a week at a time. Please sign up through the link below (even if you did Safety Patrol last year) Please reach out with any questions to  silver.mesa.safety.patrol@gmail.com

We also need parents to help out! Please sign up if you are willing and able.
Student Sign Up

Parent Volunteer Sign Up


*-Watch D.O.G.S (Dads of Great Students)

We’re excited for our Watch D.O.G.S program this year! We invite and encourage all Father Figures (Dad, Grandpa, Big Brother, Uncle, etc) to join us for our Launch Event-

Hot Dog Hello– Aug 30th 6:00-7:00 pm in the cafeteria/gym. For more information, please email silvermesapta@gmail.com . Click here for event details and to RSVP. See you there!





Upcoming Dates

August 15-17th—KEEP testing for kindergarten students

August 18th—First day of school for kindergarten students

Sept. 1st—Class pictures will be taken to display here in our building

Sept. 5th—Labor Day holiday; no school

Sept. 9th—Picture Day

Sept. 12th—Vision Screening for certain grades

Sept. 15th-16th—Acadience Testing

Sept. 28th & 29th—Parent/Teacher Conferences

Sept. 30th—Compensatory Day; no school


Have a great day!


Julie Fielding, Principal

Silver Mesa Elementary


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