8920 S. 1700 East, Sandy, UT 84093

Monday Minute 3.23.2020

Dear Eagles,


This begins our second week of the school dismissal.  While we haven’t been given directives that we will be out longer, I’m assuming we will be closed through Spring Break at least.  We will wait to hear from district leaders and state leaders for that to be official, though.


For this week, please have your students continue working on the packet of materials that were provided online and for pick-up.  Remember, the packet is a menu of learning activities that you can choose from.  It is review material.  Do what feels right for your family.



Our teachers are continuing to learn about online tools this week so they can be ready to do online teaching next week if/when the closure continues.  They are likely reaching out to your students to connect and interact with them.  This is new for our teachers and our community, so we will figure it together.  Please let me or your teachers know if you have any questions or concerns. 


Chrome Books

I really want every family to have access to the internet and a chrome book if you do not have a device at home.  Please reply to this email if you do not have a device and/or internet access at home.  I will do what I can to meet those needs. 


School Website

You may have noticed our school website has been given a makeover.  We appreciate teacher Amy Sandgren for keeping that up to date.   I will put all relevant updates and emails there for you.  Teacher contact information is also listed on that website.  If you have any trouble contacting a teacher, reply to this email (it comes to me) and I will forward it to the teacher. 


New information is coming out frequently, and I want to keep you informed.  I also realize you are getting multiple emails from me, your teachers, and the district.  I’ll try to keep my emails to the weekly Monday Minute if possible.  Of course, if there’s “breaking news” I’ll pass that along.  And, be sure to check our website:



Spring Pictures

Our spring pictures were delivered last week.  We will hang onto those until school is back in session. 



We miss you guys SO much!!! Please check out this video link from our PTA President, Miss Crystal. Also, we would LOVE to hear about your favorite books that you have read over this break. Email us a video to  www.silvermesapta@gmail.com of your favorite reads and we may spotlight you in next week’s Monday minute! 


Upcoming Dates:

April 6-10th:  Spring Break


Here’s to another GREAT week!!!  (Hopefully with no earthquakes!)


Julie Fielding



Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org