Dear Eagles,
This month is Friendship Month at Silver Mesa. Our Student Council chose to celebrate that by designating this Friday’s Spirit Day as Twin Day. Get one or two or ten together to dress alike and show your school spirit!
Conference Sign-ups
Don’t forget to sign up for a time to meet with your child’s teacher next week.
Just go through the Skyward Family Access to find a time that works with your schedule.
Student Achievement
We’ve had some awesome student achievements recently that I want to give a shout out to. Congratulations!
Science Fair Students moving on to the state level
Kaitlin Barron & Maddie Coleman
School Spelling Bee Winners
Cailin Christensen & Kenneth Davis
5th Grade Maturation Programs
Canyons District’s informational maturation program for fifth-grade students and their parents is coming up in March. Presentations will be conducted by a professional speaker. All parents are encouraged to attend these free events with their children, and to choose which date best fit their schedules, so that they can continue the discussion in their homes. Fifth-grade teachers have been provided double-sided maturation flyers in English and Spanish to distribute during Parent-Teacher Conferences.
THANK YOU to all of our amazing volunteers who made our valentine hooplas such a success! We love you volunteers!
Annie Update
Any of your participating in ANNIE should now be registered on our website. All information regarding rehearsals and shows via our site will become private. This means if you are not on the list and don’t have the links you will blocked from obtaining information regarding the musical. If you are not signed up PLEASE DO SO TODAY!
Registration closes in 48 hours. After that time you will have to contact to obtain access.
Parent Teacher Conference Week
We love our teachers and are grateful for the very LONG hours they put in during parent teacher conference week. Please help us make next week a little easier on our teachers by signing up HERE:
Also, if you wish to, this is a great time to donate hand sanitizer, tissues, sanitizer wipes, or other classroom items. Many teachers pay for these things out of their own pockets in order to have them in their classes so all donations are greatly appreciated.
Literacy Night Help Needed
Calling all witches and wizards! Literacy Month starts in two weeks!!! Eeek!
We are looking for parents, grandparents, and siblings to help pull off our magical weeks of learning and fun. Some needs require creative enthusiasm (dress as a Harry Potter character, teach/run a class), some require a warm body, and some needs are simply to assemble and prep. There’s a way everyone can help. Please click on the links below to find out how.
Month Sign-ups–these volunteer jobs are daytime or at-home jobs for the weeks leading up to literacy night. Follow this link to see how you can help:
Literacy Night Sign-ups are for Literacy Night itself, Tuesday,
March 17th.
If you need further explanation or assistance, please contact
Upcoming Dates:
Feb. 20th: Last day to sign up for conference time
Feb. 21st: Spirit Day—Twin Day
Feb. 26th-27th: Parent Teacher Conferences
Feb. 27th: Early Out Day; Students dismissed at 1:15. Kindergarten will follow their Friday schedule for this day.
Feb. 28th: No School; Compensation Day for teachers.
March 2nd: Literacy Month begins. Watch for information about ways to participate.
March 3rd: PTA Meeting; 12:30; All are welcome!
March 4th: SCC Meeting; 7:30 am; All are welcome!
March 5th and 12th: Honeydukes Store open for business during lunches. I hear chocolate frogs will be available!
March 9th: Spring Picture Day
March 9th: Report cards will be sent home with students
March 17th: Literacy Night—Come be a part of the fun activities!
Here’s to another GREAT week!!!
Julie Fielding