8920 S. 1700 East, Sandy, UT 84093

Monday Minute 2.10.2020

Dear Eagles,

Happy Valentine’s Day on Friday!  We are looking forward to fun parties in the grade levels that day. 


Parent Teacher Conference Sign ups

Don’t forget to sign up for a time to meet with your child’s teacher on Feb. 26th and 27th.  The scheduler will be open until Feb. 20th.  A PeachJar flyer was sent out with instructions and a link to the scheduler.  


Monday, President’s Day

Next Monday, Feb. 17th

we will be holding school.  The calendar noted that if we were to have a Snow Day, President’s Day would be the day we make that up.  If your child won’t be there that day because of previous plans, please let the school know as you normally would with an absence. 


Upcoming Dates:

Feb. 13th:  Last day to purchase Candy Grams/Pencil Grams;  Our Student Council sponsors a friendship activity to sell suckers or pencils for $0.25 during lunch times starting on Feb. 6th.  Students can purchase some for their friends or for anyone they want to brighten their day.  The student council will deliver the grams to students in their classrooms on Valentine’s Day.  Parents are welcome to purchase some in the front office at any time between the 6th and 13th

Feb. 6th-20th:  Sign up for conference time

Feb. 11th:  5th grade Field Trip to the Symphony at Abravanel Hall. 

Feb. 13th:  5th grade Field Trip to the Capitol Building.

Feb. 14th:  Valentine Parties in the grade levels.

Feb. 17th:  President’s Day Holiday; Make-up school day for the missed snow day.

Feb. 26th-27th:  Parent Teacher Conferences

Feb. 27th:  Early Out Day; Students dismissed at 1:15.  Kindergarten will follow their Friday schedule for this day. 

Feb. 28th:  No School; Compensation Day for teachers.

March 9th:  Spring Picture Day

March 9th:  Report cards will be sent home with students


Here’s to another GREAT week!!!


Julie Fielding



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