Dear Parents,
I hope your Fall Break was fabulous! This week we are celebrating Red Ribbon Week. See all the activities scheduled below by our PTA.
Halloween Parade
Next Monday is Halloween and our annual Halloween Parade. Please have your student come in their costume ready to go, as the parade starts at 8:30. As always, we ask for no masks or pretend or real weapons as part of their costume here at school. Save those items for other celebrations. Thanks to all our room parents who are preparing class parties for that afternoon. Be sure you have done the background check on the district website so you will be able to come volunteer. Here’s the link:!/application/volunteer//
Walk & Roll Challenge
The Walk & Roll Challenge rewards students K-8 with monthly prizes for walking and biking to school. It runs from September 3 to May 15. Students track and enter daily progress online by the end of each month. Winners are chosen the first week of the following month.
Parents who allow their kids to walk or bike to school can also win prizes in a separate drawing.
Kids who walk, bike or scooter to school:
- Improve their academic performance
- Develop healthy, active habits
- Lower anxiety and increase focus
- Decrease drop-off and pick-up congestion
- Reduce air pollution
Get started by downloading a progress chart from
Digital Citizenship Tip
Good digital citizens are kind online. The internet is filled with fun and interesting things, but sometimes people can be mean to each other online. If you ever experience online meanness, remember to STOP!
S is for Step away
T means “Tell a trusted adult”
O means use OK sites only and
P reminds us to Pause and think.
Good digital citizens always remember to STOP and be kind online.
Kindness Is Cool
Here are some examples of kindness happening at our school these past couple of months. We have the best students!
Lizzey Nash (5th) – picking up trash several mornings before school
Oliver Whiting (2nd) – helping a friend
Edison Merket (2nd) – helped a friend in class
Lexi Hansen (3rd) – helping another student find a book in the Library
Koen Wren (4th) – helping a classmate by getting her Wonders book to the right place, while she was out of the classroom
Hashim Alfaham & Claire Featherstone (5th) – helping clean up some things the Librarian dropped
Enzo Taratini (4th) – helped clean up and keep jump ropes from getting tangled in Playworks
Oaklei Austin (2nd) – helping put away recess equipment she did not even use
Chase Twitchell (4th) – helping set up recess equipment and treating it with respect
Lily Shaw (Kindergarten) – letting another friend use her swing at recess
Important Links:
School Website:
Instagram: silvermesa_eagles
Parent Volunteer application:!/application/volunteer//
Lunch Menus:
School Front Office: (801) 826-9400
PTA News
Instagram- silver_mesa_pta
Facebook- Silver Mesa PTA
*-Red Ribbon Week Oct 24th-28th
Monday, October 24th- Pledge to be Drug Free / Win Prizes for your Class at lunch recess
Tuesday, October 25th- “Red Alert” Wear All Red to support Red Ribbon Week; Prizes for classes with MOST RED
Wednesday, October 26th- Red Ribbon Scavenger Hunt at Recess
Thursday, October 27th- Classroom Drug Free Posters DUE- Best Posters win a Class Prize
Friday, October 28th- EGG DROP during lunch recesses. All students are encouraged to make Egg Protectors! See here for instructions.
Parents: use SignUp Genius to volunteer to help with Red Ribbon activities Red Ribbon Week Volunteers
*-Reflections & Judges
Students of Silver Mesa! SHOW US YOUR VOICE! Reflections 2022 is here! The theme is “Show your voice”. We love to see your original creations in dance choreography, film production, literature, music composition, photography, 2D and 3D visual arts.
Reflection will need to be submitted online by Friday Nov.4. Click here for further information.
Now go create!
We are also looking for judges for Reflections 2022. We need 2-3 judges per category in: Film, music composition, dance choreography, 2D and 3D visual arts, literature and photography. We are swapping judges with Peruvian Park Elementary. We will be judging for their reflections, and they will be judging ours. We do this cause the judges can’t know any of the participants. If you have any expertise in any of these areas, please help us! It is all done online and will need to be done Nov. 5-11. You can do it at home! I have judge before and it is so great to see the creativity of the students!
Sign up on the link for sign up genius below.
*-Watch D.O.G.S (Dads of Great Students)
If you are interested in being a Watch D.O.G.S. volunteer, Click HERE
School spirit night at Handles, Oct 25th, Fort Union 3:00-10:00
Upcoming Dates
Now-Nov. 21st—DLI application window is open; Application portal
Oct. 24th-28th—Red Ribbon Week; Be sure to wear red on that Tuesday!
Oct. 24th—Last day to register for Book Blitz (4th and 5th grades) Please contact Janae Powell today if your student wants to sign up.
Oct. 25th—Handle’s School Spirit Night; Fort Union; 3:00-10:00
Oct. 26th—Picture Make-up Day
Oct. 27-28—SALTA testing for students who have applied
Oct. 28th—Career Day
Oct. 28th—Spirit Day; Tropical Day
Oct. 28th—Egg Drop during students’ lunch times
Oct. 31st—Halloween Parade; 8:30 start with students inside the school. We will be outside for parents to watch starting at about 8:40 or so. Bring a chair and watch our students parade from the west side of the playground over to the south side and back into the building at the front office. It’s usually done by 9:00.
It’s a great day to be an eagle!
Julie Fielding, Principal
Silver Mesa Elementary