We are excited to announce that we adopted a new form of school-to-home communication called ParentSquare. This unified communications platform is designed to keep parents and guardians informed and encourage greater engagement and connection with Silver Mesa. It provides a safe way for district administrators, school principals, teachers, staff, and parents to:
- Send and receive school and class information
- Share pictures and files
- See calendar items
- Sign up to volunteer
- Schedule parent-teacher conferences
- and much more . . . all in one centralized place!
ParentSquare Introduction to Parents
School Lunch
School Lunch is free to all students this year. However, there are some federal guidelines we have to follow. Students must choose at least 3 items from the options given and one of those items must be a fruit or vegetable. Students who bring a lunch from home and want to get just one item from the school lunch options, are not able to do that. They would be welcome to bring a lunch from home and go through the line and pick up at least three items. None of us want to see food wasted, so hopefully students will choose items they are planning to eat. But we can’t just give students one item. We are also not able to sell milk individually this year as we don’t have the staff in place to do that. Across the district we have many openings in the nutrition department if you know of anyone who is interested.
Special Programs: DLI & SALTA
DLI LOTTERY: The start of October signals the opening of the window to apply for CSD’s popular and growing Dual Language Immersion Programs. Parents and guardians can apply online anytime from Oct. 4 to Nov. 23. In addition, families interested in learning about these programs are invited to attend a Dual Language Immersion informational meeting for parents. The meeting will be held on Thursday, Oct. 21, 2021 from 6-8 p.m. in the Canyons Center at the Canyons District Office, 9361 S. 300 East.
SALTA TESTING: Students in kindergarten through the seventh grade can apply online to test into Canyons District’s SALTA magnet program for advanced learners, starting Tuesday, Sept. 7. The deadline for applying is midnight Friday, Oct. 1. Read more at canyonsdistrict.org.
Kindness Is Cool
Here are some more examples of kindness happening at our school these past couple of weeks. We have the best students!
Marie Parker (2nd grade) – pushing in chairs and helping others put their books away
Max Smith (4th grade) – helped Safety Patrol take down cones after school even though it wasn’t his week!
Lucas Shober (2nd grade) – being a good friend
Asher Algen (Kindergarten) – using the kind word “thank you” often
Vivian Taylor (Kindergarten) – helping a friend feel better
Finley Maw (2nd grade) – helping a friend put things into their backpack
School Website: https://silvermesa.canyonsdistrict.org/
Instagram: silvermesa_eagles
Parent Volunteer application link: https://volunteer.canyonsdistrict.org/volunteersystem/volunteer/
Lunch Menus: https://canyonsdistrict.nutrislice.com/menu/silver-mesa/lunch/2021-09-01
PTA News
Many, many thanks to all the parents who generously donated for the meals for the teachers during Parent/Teacher Conferences. We were thrilled to be able to supply fantastic dinners for all our teachers both nights thanks to your help.
Reflection Entries Due- Oct 15
Red Ribbon Week, Oct 25-29
We wanted to thank all who supported and volunteered at our Book Fair and Parent Teacher conferences. We couldn’t have done it without you. If your student was unable to use their $5 scholastic cash, no worries, have them check with their teacher. Books were given to teachers to deliver to those students.
School Spirit Night at Twisted Sugar- Oct 5th
National PTA Reflections:
The 2021-2022 Reflections theme is “I can change the world by…”
Students submit their completed works of art in one or all of the available arts categories: Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, Visual Arts.
For more information visit-
PTA Membership:
Be a voice for your child! Just $6.50 to provide national, state and local advocacy for your student. No participation/volunteering is required beyond signing up as a member, but you are always welcome!
Sign up today:
Want to know where your dues go?
Upcoming Dates
Oct. 1st—School Spirit Day! Our student council voted to have this spirit day be Zoom Day. Business on the top and pajamas or sweatpants on the bottom.
Oct. 5th—PTA Meeting; 12:30; in-person and virtual; All are welcome!
Oct. 5th—Spirit Night at Twisted Sugar
Oct. 6th—SCC Mtg; 7:15 am; All are welcome! Zoom link: https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/82999368357?pwd=UlFKYTdZeE1jNXVtc2Y3RHZNTkI2Zz09
Oct. 8th—Vision Screening
Oct. 14-15th—Fall Break; No School
Oct. 20-21st—SALTA Testing
Oct. 22nd—School Picture Retakes
Oct. 22nd—School Spirit Day! Our Student Council has voted for this day to be Creative Hair Day.
Oct. 29th—Halloween Parade and Class Parties will be held on this day. More details to come.
Have a great day!
Julie Fielding, Principal
Silver Mesa Elementary
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