Dear Parents,
We are starting our Second Step curriculum this week. This is our 3rd year utilizing this social/emotional learning curriculum, and it is taught one or two days each week in our Morning Meetings. This week the main focus is on skills for learning: following directions and being assertive (asking for help when you need it).
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Friday is the last day to sign up for time to meet with your child’s teacher next week at conferences. Friday afternoon teachers will assign meeting times to anyone who hasn’t already done so.
Kindness Is Cool
Here are some more examples of kindness happening at our school these past couple of weeks. We have the best students!
Lennox Fowden (Kindergarten) – cheering up a friend who was sad
Silas Smith (Kindergarten) – helping a friend put balls away after recess
Cannon Almay (4th grade) – helping a classmate!
Mila Brooks (5th grade) – Mila wrote a nice note to a classmate and then had the kids in class sign it as he was sad because he didn’t win student council.
Owen Christensen (2nd grade) – picking up books that were not his
Hope Nolde (2nd grade) – being a kind and friendly partner
CSD Superintendent Welcomes Questions, Feedback at Districtwide Listening Tour
This Town Hall-style event will run from 6:30-8 p.m. and take place at the following locations. Questions and comments can be submitted in advance or during the events at Just choose the “Superintendent’s Listening Tour” location from the dropdown list found on the submission form. Spanish-speaking interpreters will be available at the Indian Hills, Midvale Middle and Eastmont Middle events.
Eastmont Middle, Sept. 13
10100 S. 1300 East, Sandy
Draper Park Middle, Sept. 15
13133 S. 1300 East, Draper
School Website:
Instagram: silvermesa_eagles
Parent Volunteer application link:
Lunch Menus:
PTA News
We have lots of PTA opportunities for volunteering the next few weeks. Please look below and sign up if you can.
PTA Membership:
Be a voice for your child! Just $6.50 to provide national, state and local advocacy for your student. No participation/volunteering is required beyond signing up as a member, but you are always welcome!
Sign up today:
Want to know where your dues go?
Parent Teacher Conferences: September 23rd & 24th
Please consider helping the PTA with the meals we provide for our incredible teachers during their Parent/Teacher Conferences this month. Click the link below to sign up:
Help with Meals for P/T Conferences
Yes Day: September 17th
Please turn in your Yes Day forms and money by Tuesday September 14th.
The breakfast with the teacher will be at 7:30am on the 17th.
Online form available here.
We need some help next Wednesday September 15th organizing our activities for our big YES DAY that Friday! If you can help, please sign up below:
Book Fair: September 20th-23rd
Volunteer to help run the Book Fair. Get $5 scholastic cash!
Invite friends to volunteer with!
Zupas Spirit Night
Eating out on Tuesday? Try Zupas and support our PTA. Go between 5:00-9:00 that evening, let them know you are supporting Silver Mesa, and a portion of the proceeds will come to our PTA. Thanks!
Upcoming Dates
Sept. 9th-17th—Parents may sign up for a time slot to meet with their child’s teacher. Parents may choose either an in-person meeting or a Zoom online meeting.
Sept. 14th—Zupas Fundraiser Night for PTA; 5-9pm
Sept. 17th—Yes Day! PTA Fundraiser
Sept. 17th—Vision Screening for certain grades
Sept. 20th-23rd—Book Fair
Sept. 22nd & 23rd—Parent/Teacher Conferences
Sept. 22nd and 23rd—Say Boo to the Flu Clinic; All community members are welcome to come and get a flu shot. Bring your health insurance card. If the weather allows, it will be outside on the south side of our building. Time is 3:00-7:00 on both days.
Sept. 24th—Compensatory Day; no school
Have a great day!
Julie Fielding, Principal
Silver Mesa Elementary