Dear Parents,
We focus on kindness a lot here at Silver Mesa. Each week in our video announcements I share a kindness quote; we nominate students for kindness awards whenever we see kind acts; and it’s just part of our expectations. Silver Mesa Eagles are Safe, Kind, Respectful, and Responsible. I’ll be sharing some of those kind acts each week in this Monday Minute.
CSD Superintendent Welcomes Questions, Feedback at Districtwide Listening Tour
Have a question about Canyons School District? Suggestions, concerns or compliments? Or maybe, after the months of social distancing that coincided with Dr. Rick Robins’ first year as CSD’s Superintendent, you’d like to meet him in person. Coming soon to a middle school near you: community members will have a chance to do just that as Dr. Robins travels the District for his inaugural Superintendent’s Listening Tour. The Town Hall-style events will run from 6:30-8 p.m. and take place at the following locations. Questions and comments can be submitted in advance or during the events at Just choose the “Superintendent’s Listening Tour” location from the dropdown list found on the submission form. Spanish-speaking interpreters will be available at the Indian Hills, Midvale Middle and Eastmont Middle events.
Butler Middle, Aug. 31
7530 S. 2700 East, Cottonwood Heights
Midvale Middle, Sept. 8
7852 S. Pioneer St., Midvale
Eastmont Middle, Sept. 13
10100 S. 1300 East, Sandy
Draper Park Middle, Sept. 15
13133 S. 1300 East, Draper
Birthday Reminders
If you send treats for class birthday celebrations, they must be individually wrapped. These will be sent home with students at the end of the day. Traditional birthday treats like donuts and cupcakes aren’t usually individually wrapped, so if you are bringing in a treat, please be mindful of this new safety measure.
Parent Volunteers
We love volunteers at Silver Mesa. Your time is greatly appreciated. It is required to sign up each year. Here’s a link to the application:
School Community Council
Serving on our School Community Council is a wonderful way for parents to contribute at our school. The council reviews and prepares academic and safety plans for our students each year. Councils also act in an advisory capacity to school and school district administrations. The committee meets on the first Wednesday of most months at 7:15 am.
If you would like to serve on this council, please let the principal know. We’d love to have you participate!
Kindness Is Cool
Here are some more examples of kindness happening at our school these past couple of weeks. We have the best students!
Cannon Almy (4th grade) – helping another student realize it is okay to redo/try again
Ariel Morrison (5th grade) – helped carry another students’ items off the playground & did it with a smile!
Hannah Frost (4th grade) – offering an extra mask to a friend
Hashim Alfaham (4th grade) – helping a friend
Jonny Wilde (5th grade) – noticing the need! Picked up balls on the field
Jason Shupe (5th grade) – noticing the need! Picked up balls on the field
School Website:
Instagram: silvermesa_eagles
PTA News
JOIN PTA- Be a voice for your child!
Join us for your first General PTA meeting. Tuesday Sept 7th @12:30. (Zoom option available) We will be voting on our proposed budget for the 2021-2022 year. Please come with any concerns or ideas that you may have. This is also a great time to have communication with our Principal!
Yes Day PTA Fundraiser
September 17, 2021