We love volunteers at Silver Mesa. Your time is greatly appreciated. It is required to sign up each year to have a background check, but it only takes a minute. If you help at classroom parties or on field trips, you also need to sign up at this link. Here’s a link to the application: https://volunteer.canyonsdistrict.org/volunteersystem/volunteer/
Eagle Expectations
Our Eagle Expectations for all students include:
- Be safe
- Be kind
- Be responsible
- Be respectful
We focus a lot on the second expectation of being kind. When a student demonstrates kindness, their teacher sends me a note and I visit the classroom to talk about their actions and take a picture with them that is displayed in our school. We love our kind students!
Fire Drill
Each month we practice some type of emergency drill so that our students will know what to do. We had a fire drill last Friday and it went very well. We sometimes let the students know when the drills are happening, and sometimes it’s a surprise to them. We evacuate our building and line up on the south playground to account for everyone. Usually, we are under 5 minutes to account for all students and staff outside.
School Community Council
Serving on our School Community Council is a wonderful way for parents and teachers to contribute and help improve academic performance at our school. The school receives an annual dividend from the school trust lands. Our council helps decide how these funds will be used. This year our school received about $72,000 from the School LAND Trust Program. The council reviews and prepares other academic and safety plans for our students each year. All plans are reviewed for final approval by our school board. Councils also act in an advisory capacity to school and school district administrations. The committee meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:15 am.
Every public school in Utah has a School Community Council. Membership terms are for two years. Elections are held at the beginning of each school year.
Parent members must have a student attending the school at least one of the two years of their term of service. For more information, please visit www.schoollandtrust.org .
If you would like to serve on this council, please let the principal know to put you on the election ballot by Sept. 3rd. We’d love to have you participate!
School Website: https://silvermesa.canyonsdistrict.org/
Instagram: silvermesa_eagles
PTA News
JOIN PTA- Be a voice for your child!
Join us for your first General PTA meeting. We will be voting on our proposed budget for the 2021-2022 year. Please come with any concerns or ideas that you may have. This is also a great time to have communication with our Principal!
Upcoming Dates
Aug. 31st—Acadience testing for grades K-2
Sept. 3rd—Acadience testing for grades 3-5
Sept. 6th—Labor Day holiday; no school
Sept. 7th—General PTA Meeting; 12:30; All are welcome!
Sept. 10th—Picture Day
Sept. 17th—Vision Screening for certain grades
Sept. 22nd & 23rd—Parent/Teacher Conferences
Sept. 24th—Compensatory Day; no school
Have a great day!
Julie Fielding, Principal
Silver Mesa Elementary