8920 S. 1700 East, Sandy, UT 84093

Monday Minute 5.26.2020

Dear Eagles,

Thank you for coming to our Parade last week!  It was so fun to see everyone.  Here’s a link to a video of the event created by Jenn Stout. 


If you were not able to attend and need to return the Chrome book you checked out, there is a box outside in front of the main office you can put it in.  Please drop off the chrome book only if the box is accessible—we’ll put it out there when someone is here to watch and collect chrome books.  The office is open this week and next if you have any questions you need help with.

5th grade Maturation Program

Our district is working to provide a virtual presentation for the maturation program for parents and students in 5th grade.   Watch your emails and the district website for information coming soon about how to access this.


Staffing Changes

We have a couple more staff changes to announce for next year:

  • Amber Tuckett, our achievement coach, has been assigned to Bell View Elementary, another school in our district.
  • Senora Castilla, 2nd Grade Spanish teacher, is also transferring to another school in our district:  Midvale Elementary.

Both of these teachers will be very missed! 

Senora Gallo, 3rd grade Spanish teacher, will move to the 2nd grade position, and we’ll welcome a new teacher to 3rd grade and a new achievement coach.


Found Items

We have had a cell phone turned in several weeks ago.  If you are missing one, please call the front office and describe the case.  We also found a special pendant that we know a student was looking for earlier. 


Contact Information

The main office will be open from 9:00-2:30 daily through the first week of June.

Main office number:  801.826.9400 (Lisa Repp, administrative assistant)

Principal:  Julie.fielding@canyonsdistrict.org




Our dear eagles, we love you so much. Thank you for a wonderful (and definitely unforgettable) year. Know that we are thinking of you while you have an AMAZING summer! Stay safe and we will see you in the fall.



If you are interested in participating on the PTA board we only have a few spots left. Please contact us at silvermesapta@gmail.com if you are interested in one of these positions. Click on the link for descriptions:

 Education VP

Safety Patrol (see urgent notice below)

Box tops


* Urgent need *

Our amazing volunteer, Clair Hamill, is moving on with his 5th grader this year. We love you so much, Clair and thank you for your many years of service to Silver Mesa. This sad news means we are in need of a new safety patrol coordinator. The job of this person in the assign 4th and 5th graders (that have volunteered) to a position in the safety patrol for each day. We also need at least one adult per day arranged to be there before school to coordinate the safety kids and help traffic flow smoothly. We have found that having an adult out helping greatly reduces the danger to our kids during this very busy traffic period. We realize what a big job this is but this role is ESSENTIAL to the safety of drop off’s and pick up’s for our children and we NEED someone to fill this role for the upcoming 2020-21 school year. Please contact us by May 29th at this email silvermesapta@gmail.com or text Crystal at 801-918-9851 if you are interested. 


Upcoming Dates:

May 26-29th—Return school Chromebooks back to Silver Mesa at the front of the school

May 29th—Last Day of School

August 13th—Back to School Night

August 17th—First Day of School, 1st-5th grades

August 20th—First Day of School, kindergarten

Have a GREAT summer!!! 

Julie Fielding



Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org