8920 S. 1700 East, Sandy, UT 84093

Monday Minute 5.18.2020

Dear Eagles,

It’s hard to believe we are almost at the end of our crazy school year.  We will all have stories to tell future generations for sure.  We are looking forward to our parade this Thursday and hope you can all join us!


Reverse Parade—9:00-10:30

Come drive to the school on Thursday, May 21st, to participate in our Reverse Parade.  Faculty and staff will be scattered around the perimeter of our building—keeping social distance of course—and we’d love to have you and your families drive the pathway to see everyone.  We’ll ask our community to stay in their cars and talk to us through their windows.  If you have a 5th grader, please stop at the beginning of the route to borrow a graduation cap to wear throughout the parade.  Feel free to make a sign or decorate your car if you would like.  I will have a small prize to hand out to the students to wish them a happy summer.  We are looking forward to seeing you all!

You may also return school chromebooks that day.  At the end of the parade route off to the side, there will be a drop-off spot to turn in chromebooks.  If you didn’t borrow a chromebook, you can skip that part and head back out to 17th East.  If you need the device for another few days, you may drop them off at the school on Tuesday, May 26th at the front entrance. 


Contact Information

The main office will be open from 9:00-2:30 daily through the first week of June.

Main office number:  801.826.9400 (Lisa Repp, administrative assistant)

Principal:  Julie.fielding@canyonsdistrict.org





Announcing the new PTA board for 2020-2021

Thank you to those who were able to participate in our general meeting last week. We had a wonderful discussion about the end of this year, the beginning of next school year and we were also able to vote on the incoming board for the 2020-21 school year. Presenting your new board!


President – Alecia Falk

President elect – Ashley Bachman

Treasurer – Debbie Norr

Secretary – Suzie Olson

Legislativev VP – Amy Rasmussen

Leadership VP – Carly Maw


A special shout out to Carly Maw and our Nominating Committee for making sure we have an amazing team to support us going into next year! 


If you are interested in participating on the PTA board we only have a few spots left. Please contact us at silvermesapta@gmail.com if you are interested in one of these positions. Click on the link for descriptions:


Education VP

Safety Patrol (see urgent notice below)

Box tops




! Volunteer of the Year !

We are pleased to announce the winners of our prestigious volunteer of the year award. This is an award that is given to individuals you have nominated and the majority has spoken! Our winners are Clair Hammil and Ashley Bachman. Honorable mention goes to James Barron. Since we cannot have our traditional volunteer luncheon to honor our winners we will bring your award (and some goodies) directly to your homes. 


Clair Hamill

Clair Hammill has been nominated every year for the past many years for volunteer of the year. Clair has dedicated every morning to making sure all of our kids get across the drive lane safely. He has managed our safety patrol kids to make sure they know when and where they are supposed to be, ensuring the safety of not only the spot where he guards but all crossings into and out of our school. Clair has a positive attitude that is infectious. He high fives and yells shouts of support to all the kids (and many adults) entering our building. Year after year without any expectation for praise or reward Clair has made crossing the street to get to school safe and fun. He knows many of our student by name and takes the time to get to know who they are and to let them know we are excited to have them at school. We are devastated that Clair has to move on now that his student is graduating but we will never forget the love he safely delivered in the sun, rain or snow without fail. We truly love you Clair and will miss you! Thank you for setting the bar so high and thanks for being the best crossing guard dad we have ever known.


Ashley Backman

Ashley Backman has been nominated for PTA Volunteer of the Year for all of her work volunteering in many classrooms this year, as well as helping out with the PTA programs at large.  Not only has she come in to help in her own childrens’ classrooms, she helps out other classes as well.  She is someone that when she sees someone needing help and she is able, she does it. Ashley has been a huge help with our Book Fair and has helped with every major PTA event this year, as well as being a room parent and organizing grade-level parties She isn’t just a volunteer representing her own kids, she cares about all of the kids and staff at Silver Mesa and does whatever she can to lift us! Silver Mesa is lucky to have her as a member of our community.  Thanks for all you do, Ashley!


James Barron

It should come as no surprise to see James Barron on our list of honored volunteers. His influence at our school will remain long after he has moved on (which sadly is this year). James can be found nearly every morning in our computer lab getting the kids started on the right foot by logging them in to a productive learning platform. He then often stays to help the principal with daily awards and getting the stragglers students greeted and off to class. Though his most notable contribution to our flying eagles is creating our science fair and STEAM night fun. James has been instrumental in making sure science is on our kids brains and in the funnest way possible. This wonderful event will continue for years to come because James was willing to spend countless hours and his own funds to get it off the ground. There are so many other contributions he has made that we cannot list them all.  I think it is safe to say that Silver Mesa has been a second home to James and his family and we sincerely hope you will continue to come to events as we love you and your family and would be pleased to see you. Thank you for your love and service. We will miss you, James!



As a fond farewell to our favorite science master please enjoy this magical lesson from none other than Professor Barron Von Barron himself!


Click to Download

Professor Baron von Baron.mp4

732.3 MB

Click HERE if you cannot see the video attachment 


* Urgent need *

Our amazing volunteer, Clair Hammil, is moving on with his 5th grader this year. We love you so much, Clair and thank you for your many years of service to Silver Mesa. This sad news means we are in need of a new safety patrol coordinator. The job of this person in the assign 4th and 5th graders (that have volunteered) to a position in the safety patrol for each day. We also need at least one adult per day arranged to be there before school to coordinate the safety kids and help traffic flow smoothly. We have found that having an adult out helping greatly reduces the danger to our kids during this very busy traffic period. We realize what a big job this is but this role is ESSENTIAL to the safety of drop off’s and pick up’s for our children and we NEED someone to fill this role for the upcoming 2020-21 school year. Please contact us by May 29th at this email silvermesapta@gmail.com or text Crystal at 801-918-9851 if you are interested. 



Our hard-working eagles earned a box tops reward before school let out. Unfortunately, they did not receive the reward of a popsicle and an extra recess for meeting our box tops goal. We wanted to make sure they did not go unrewarded so during the parade our amazing PTA will be handing out box top popsicles. You are not required to take one if you are concerned about immune deficiency in your home. Just know we have enough for all our eagle families to have one each (including siblings). We will have gloves and masks when handing them out and have observed the strictest guidelines in health and safety. We can’t wait to see you Thursday!





Upcoming Dates:

May 21st—Reverse Parade.  9:00-10:30;  Teachers and Staff will be at the school to wave and greet our students.

May 21st—9:00-10:30; Return school Chromebooks back to Silver Mesa at the end of the parade

May 26th—10:00-12:00; Return school Chromebooks back to Silver Mesa at the front of the school

May 29th—Last Day of School


Here’s to another GREAT week!!! 


Julie Fielding


Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org