8920 S. 1700 East, Sandy, UT 84093

Monday Minute 5.11.2020

Dear Eagles,

With the health risk level being decreased in the state of Utah, the school office is now open for limited hours.  In an abundance of caution (don’t you love that phrase?!), please make an appointment if you need to come in.  This way we can spread out any patrons who need to come to the front office.  Please wear a mask when interacting with our front office personnel and maintain the 6 feet of social distancing.  We will be open from 9:00-2:30 daily through the first week of June. 


Contact Information

Main office number:  801.826.9400 (Lisa Repp, administrative assistant)

Principal:  Julie.fielding@canyonsdistrict.org


Reverse Parade


We have decided to have a School Parade in reverse!  Rather than set a route that we drive through different neighborhoods, we are asking our eagles to come to the school to wave and greet our teachers and staff.  On Thursday, May 21st, we’ll be scattered around our school—keeping social distance of course—and we’d love to have you and your families drive around our school to see everyone.  We’ll ask our community to stay in their cars and talk to us through their windows.  If you have a 5th grader, please stop at the beginning of the route to borrow a graduation cap to wear throughout the parade.  Feel free to make a sign or decorate your car if you would like.  I will have a small prize to hand out to the students to wish them a happy summer.  We are looking forward to seeing you all!

You may also return school chromebooks that day.  At the end of the parade route off to the side, there will be a drop-off spot to turn in chromebooks.  If you didn’t borrow a chromebook, you can skip that part and head back out to 17th East. 



PTA General meeting tomorrow

We are voting on the members of our new board for next year. We are also discussing the results of our survey (see below) on what programs parents want to keep.  We need your input! Please join us tomorrow May 12th at 1PM via zoom at the following link:

Join Zoom Meeting


Use this to login to zoom if you have trouble with the above link:

Meeting ID: 731 2775 8561

Password: SMPTA


Today is the last day to take the satisfaction survey. Should we have to make budget cuts due to the economic climate this survey tells us what programs YOU would like us to keep. Please take a moment to answer 8 short questions so your PTA knows what is important to you here at Silver Mesa. The survey closes at midnight tonight. 


Paste this in your address bar if you are having trouble with the link:


Last week of Online Book Fair

We know how hard it has been to get ahold of new reads since the libraries have been closed. The great news is we are having an online book fair so you can support silver mesa libraries and get some new books in your home at the same time. Please make sure to use this link to have 25% of your purchase come back to silver mesa. Also, free shipping on orders (of books only) over $25. The Book Fair ends this Friday, May 15th so get your orders in today so you don’t miss out. 


Paste this in your address bar if you are having trouble with the above link:


Regional Request

To show gratitude to our teachers, our regional PTA would like us to create chalk art saluting our teachers and send photos or videos of your artistic creations to this link: https://photos.app.goo.gl/kh6TNZTGfm2QGQXW8 by May 15th to celebrate our teachers and schools across our PTA region. This is a wonderful chance for our kids to get creative outside and support our teachers. 

* Urgent need *

Our amazing volunteer, Clair Hammil, is moving on with his 5th grader this year. We love you so much, Clair and thank you for your many years of service to Silver Mesa. This sad news means we are in need of a new safety patrol coordinator. The job of this person in the assign 4th and 5th graders (that have volunteered) to a position in the safety patrol for each day. We also need at least one adult per day arranged to be there before school to coordinate the safety kids and help traffic flow smoothly. We have found that having an adult out helping greatly reduces the danger to our kids during this very busy traffic period. We realize what a big job this is but this role is ESSENTIAL to the safety of drop off’s and pick up’s for our children and we NEED someone to fill this role for the upcoming 2020-21 school year. Please contact email silvermesapta@gmail.com or text Crystal at 801-918-9851 if you are interested. 

Upcoming Dates:

May 11th—Last day to take PTA survey 

May 12th—PTA final general meeting (zoom) 1pm

May 15th—Last day of online book fair

May 15th—Deadline to send chalk art to honor teachers

May 15th—Last day of new content for students.  The last two weeks of school, teachers will continue to hold Morning Meetings, Office Hours, and other learning opportunities.  Students can finish up any earlier assignments and get help solidifying past concepts, but no new concepts will be taught.

May 21st—Reverse Parade.  9:00-10:30;  Teachers and Staff will be at the school to wave and greet our students.

May 21st—9:00-10:30; Return school Chromebooks back to Silver Mesa

May 29th—Last Day of School

Here’s to another GREAT week!!! 

Julie Fielding


Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org