8920 S. 1700 East, Sandy, UT 84093

Monday Minute 4.27.2020 & Video

Dear Eagles,

This week we are celebrating Teacher Appreciation Week.  They have done an amazing job this past year, and I want to give a shout out to all of their hard work in moving to online teaching.    We are lucky to have such an incredible teaching staff at Silver Mesa!  If you would like to drop off any notes or cards to the teachers to say thank you, please bring them next week on May 5th when you pick up student materials.  


Student Materials Pick-up May 5th

The day set for parents to pick up any student materials that may still be in our school is Tuesday, May 5th.  Items may include:  personal belongings, spring pictures, artwork or classwork, medication left in the front office, emergency snack bags brought at the beginning of the year, folders/notebooks, etc.  (Some items may have already been returned to you.)  On this date you may also return any library books your children have had checked out or baggie books from their classroom.  In addition, our PTA would like to give every student a free book.  The Lost and Found will be set outside the door for you to look at as well. 

To make this process safe for everyone, we are asking parents to come at a designated time in order to space out the car line and keep social distancing.  If you cannot make your time spot, it’s okay if you come at another time.  We are just hoping we can spread it out as much as possible. 

Please drive into our north parking lot and form a line in your cars at the cafeteria doors.  Front office staff and PTA will come to your cars to give out the student belongings, collect library books and Teacher Appreciation gifts, and hand out a free book from the book fair.  They will be practicing social distancing and other safety habits. 

Tuesday, May 5th

Times are set for families with their last names—

8:00-9:30  A-G

9:30-11:00  H-M

11:00-12:30 N-S

1:00-2:30 T-Z


Tech Support

Have technology questions?  Our district tech supports can help!  The number to call is 801-826-5200.  Please give them a call if you are struggling with anything technology related.


Kindergarten Orientation

Kindergarten orientation has been cancelled.  You can call our front office if you have any questions about registering online.  All documents (birth certificates and immunizations) will be gathered in August when school starts back up.


Contact Information

Main office number:  801.826.9400 (Lisa Repp, administrative assistant)

Principal:  Julie.fielding@canyonsdistrict.org



Teacher Appreciation This Week

There has been some confusion on this subject and we wish to clarify. Silver Mesa Teacher Appreciation week is April 27th – May 1st. National PTA teacher appreciation is the following week. National PTA would like us to send photos or videos of our chalk art to this link: https://photos.app.goo.gl/kh6TNZTGfm2QGQXW8 by May 15th to celebrate our teacher and schools across our PTA region. 


As for our school, normally we do a “days of the week” for our teachers. For example Monday- wear your teachers favorite color/ Tuedsay- write your teacher a note. We are NOT doing that this year. To simplify we are asking you to follow the theme “favorite things” and send your teacher a note, video or something creative anytime throughout the week. Some of our room parents have decided to take it a step further and do something organized as a class but this is not mandatory, just something they decided to take on. If you want to see if/what your room parent is doing then please check the website (www.silvermesapta.org) for room parent names. Click HERE to find out what some of your teachers favorite things are.

Unfortunately, giving  physical gifts is harder. If you wish to give a physical gift to your teacher you may leave them at the school ONLY on the day the principal allows us to come pick up physical belongings. You will be notified when this is going to happen. PLEASE do not drop things off at the school for your teachers before that time.  

Book Fair 

It is book fair time! It will look a little different this year as it will be fully digital. The fair will last two weeks. May 4th-15th. You can peruse all titles that scholastic has to offer and any orders (of books) over $25 will have free shipping! It is a great time to replenish your reading library while the County libraries are closed. It is also wonderful for Silver Mesa because 25% of all your book purchases come right back to the school. This helps us buy books for the school library, classrooms and coupon events. Click this LINK between May 4th – May 15th to get a hold of your favorite reads. 


Last meeting of the year! We will vote on a new board and discuss next year’s events and budget. Want to have a say? Please join us MAY 12th @1pm on Zoom to be a part of these decisions. Zoom meeting link will be sent out in the Monday Min May 11th.  

How are we doing?

Every year we send out a survey to find out what you like and what you don’t like about PTA events. Give us your feedback in 8 short Questions. This takes less than 5 minutes and helps your PTA a ton! Complete this Survey Monkey and win a free air hug from PTA! 


*urgent*  Reimbursements – Check Request Forms  *urgent*

If you have a PTA expense that you have not had reimbursed you need to get it in to us by this Friday May 1st. Our treasurer, Suzie Olson has made everything digital for you. The check request form is here. If this link does not work you can find the form on www.silvermesapta.org. Please print it, fill it out and then you have 2 options to get it back to us. Either scan your request form along with all of the reciepts and email it to silvermesapta@gmail.com with REIMBURSEMENT in the subject line, or you can contact Suzie at that same email address with a request for her physical address and mail it to her. Please make sure your address is on the form as we will be mailing your checks to you. If you have any questions please let us know! Any requests received after May 1st may not be reimbursed. 



Upcoming Dates:

May 1st—Deadline to submit a Learning Environment request if needed by email to Lisa Repp,  lisa.repp@canyonsdistrict.org

April 27th-May 1st—Teacher Appreciation Week

May 5th—Pick up of student belongings from the school. 

May 15th—Last day of new content for students.  The last two weeks of school, teachers will continue to hold Morning Meetings, Office Hours, and other learning opportunities.  Students can finish up any earlier assignments and get help solidifying past concepts, but no new concepts will be taught after this date.

End of May (Date TBD)—Parade.  Teachers will drive a designated route through our community.  Those who don’t live in our boundaries will be invited to come to an area of the parade route so they can participate.  

End of May (Date TBD)—Return school Chromebooks back to Silver Mesa

 Here’s to another GREAT week!!! 

Julie Fielding



Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org