8920 S. 1700 East, Sandy, UT 84093

Monday Minute 4.12.2021

Dear Eagles,

We are thrilled to announce our Teacher of the Year here at Silver Mesa:  2nd grade Spanish teacher Maite Gallo!  She is an amazing teacher as well as a positive influence in our school.  We celebrated this award with her and her classes right before Spring Break.  Congratulations, Srta. Gallo!



We are excited to invite parent volunteers back into our building!  Please reach out to your child’s teacher if you are willing to volunteer to see what opportunities they may have for you.  There are some extra protocols our district has set up to make this happen.

You’ll be asked to show proof of having received the COVID-19 vaccine, or proof of a negative COVID-19 test within 48 hours of your volunteering shift. As a courtesy, our school can furnish you with a voucher for free, rapid testing at the Canyons District Office (see details below).

Canyons District Office (9361 S. 300 East in Sandy)

Simply register at this link and line up inside your vehicle outside the north entrance of the District Office parking garage at any of the following times and days:

  • Monday, 6:30 – 8:30 a.m.
  • Wednesday, 3 – 5 p.m.
  • Friday, 8 – 10 a.m.


Changes in Staffing for 2021-22      

We have hired a new teacher for our open 3rd grade position.  Her name is Katie Christensen. She did her student teaching here at Silver Mesa last fall, and is a fabulous teacher!  She’s done a lot of subbing in our school these past few months, so your children may already know her.  We’re excited to have her join our team.   


March Eagles of the Month

Congratulations to all our awesome eagles!


Keller AM: Greyson Wells

Keller PM: Owen Linnell

Crabtree: Simon Hamren


1st grade:

Milianta: Finley Maw

Orosco: Campbell Maw

Latoni: Rita Marie Katchadoorian

Sanz: Leigha Graff

Tingey: Lucas Shober


2nd grade:

Coleman: Brielle Tomlinson

Guzman: Daphne Heaps

Gallo: Peter Bartholomew

Vincent: Diego Ferreira


3rd grade:

Wilkinson: James Sontum

Kunzler: Dexter Morley

Ferre: Lorelei Haymore

Trifilio: Gwen Gunn


4th grade:

Baird: Cedar Walker

Arbeloa: Olivia Caffee

Brown: Alexandra Taylor

Fowden: Christian Gomez


5th grade:

Deem: Austin Roy

Hayes: Edan Beall

Sandgren: Cameron Whetsel

Perez: Leah Gutierrez

Nelson: Carter Backman


Kindness Is Cool

Here are some more examples of kindness happening at our school these past couple of weeks.  We have the best students!

Christian Stout (4th grade) – digging out 2 Spheros used in Engineering Brain Booster from behind the bookcases

Madeline Gausnell (kindergarten) – helping a classmate clean up their oral language station

Lyla Mifflin (kindergarten) – making her art creation for her friend

Mili Bernal (4th grade) – cleaning up the playground toys without being told

Marcus Fernandez (5th grade) – cleaning up the playground on his own

Bridgely Wolfe (4th grade) – helping push a friend on the swing

Emma Thor (4th grade) – helping push a friend on the swing

Enoch Wilder (kindergarten) – waiting quietly in line and respecting others

Grayson Wells (kindergarten) – listening to others attentively at morning meeting

Luke Lunt (3rd grade) – helping others get ready to go at the end of the day

Katie Twitchell (5th grade) – giving up her lunch choice so others could have it when there wasn’t enough left of that choice at lunch

Lexi Hansen (1st grade) – putting balls away at recess

Dylan Martin (4th grade) – helping his SBI team push in all their chairs at the small group table

Jury Brown (4th grade) – helping push a friend on the swing



At Home Learning Tech Support


Or call:  (801) 826-5200


Instagram link:  silvermesa_eagles

School Website:  https://silvermesa.canyonsdistrict.org/


PTA News

Literacy Month

Congratulations to Sra. Gallo and Mrs. Baird/Mrs. West’s classes for winning the March Madness competition!  They will get to celebrate with an outdoor ice cream party hopefully this week.  In addition, each class MVP won a free ice cream gift card from Handels, and our top readers either won a Handels gift card or a gift certificate to Classic Fun Center.  Thanks to all who participated and all the parents who helped with lunchtime activities!  


The Kindness Project – Volunteers Needed

For the month of April we are focusing on kindness at Silver Mesa. Before spring break we had our first lunchtime activity making kindness quilt squares, which will be put up as quilts in the hallways this week. Each student will receive a “Kindness Checklist” today with at-home activities they can do to focus on being kind in their home, at school, and in the community. They can turn their checklist anytime for a prize, possibly to give to someone else! We are focusing on kindness in the classroom with a reward system. In addition, we are working on kindness in our community and are hosting a school-wide service project to collect supplies for All Purpose Kits for the Utah Refugee Connection.  A collection bucket will be sitting right outside the school front doors each day for your convenience.  


Lastly, we need parent help for our weekly school-wide kindness projects at lunch! Every Thursday in April we will have a simple kindness project available for students to get involved with at lunch. We could use parent help in supervising these activities! 


WE NEED HELP THIS THURSDAY!!! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e084daaa72ca4fd0-thesilver 

Please contact Elise Caffee (elise.caffee@gmail.com) with any questions. 


One of the things that makes Silver Mesa so great is its volunteers!  We just need a few more!   If this is something you can help with, please email  silvermesapta@gmail.com.  


Believe it or not, this job is actually pretty easy!  You learn the ropes as part of the PTA Executive board, with the intention that you take on the role of PTA President for the 2022-23 School Year.  Of course, the next year is a big job, but you have lots of support from amazing people!  We’re looking for friendly faces, organization/leadership skills, and a positive attitude to help our kids have a great experience at school! 


You will help organize the membership campaign, to get members to register for PTA at the beginning of the school year, and enter names into the PTA database for the year.  It is typically done at back-to-school night and during the first few weeks of school.

Red Ribbon Week

Plan and execute activities during Red-Ribbon week, which is typically the last week of October.  Red Ribbon week is our annual pledge to “Say No to Drugs and Alcohol” and activities are centered around that theme.  


PTA Board Meeting next Monday, 4/19 @ 12:30pm via zoom


 Upcoming Dates

April:  Kindness Month!  PTA is planning several activities this month that will focus on Kindness.

April 15th—Earthquake Drill

April 16th—Online Kindergarten Orientation ready for access on the school website

April 19th—PTA General Meeting; 12:30 via Zoom;  All are welcome!

April 29th—Spirit  Day “Zoom” day (Business on top, PJs on the bottom)

May 3rd-14th—RISE testing for grades 3rd-5th

May 17th—School-wide Rockathon (a spirited activity focused on fitness and fun!  We’ll be combining our traditional Jogathon and Dance Festival into a great event held here on campus.  We won’t gather with an audience, but we’ll try to get pictures and video to post for parents.)

May 19th—SCC Meeting; 7:15 am; via Zoom; All are welcome!

May 24th—Field Day

May 27th—Last Day of School for grades 1st-5th; School will dismiss at 12:20


Here’s to another GREAT week!


Julie Fielding, Principal

Silver Mesa Elementary