Dear Eagles,
We had 31 students join us today for in-person learning, and we’re excited to have them here. We still have a group of students learning online or with the parent-led option. We’re beginning our third and last term of the year and looking forward to a strong finish!
End-of-Year Testing
RISE testing is the state-mandated tests that our 3rd-5th graders take each year in May. Last May it was cancelled, but the state is moving forward with the testing this year. Our school has set the time frame for those tests for the first two weeks of May. If you are an online student, we invite you to come into the school to take these end-of-level tests. We’ll plan a few days in that time frame for you to come in and work with our academic coach to complete the testing. If you are a student who is doing the parent-led option, the district offices are planning to invite students there for testing. More information will be coming, but I wanted you to have it on your calendars.
Kindergarten Orientation
This year our kindergarten orientation will be virtual and will be scheduled for access by April 16th. If you know of anyone in the neighborhood who has a kindergarten-age student, please remind them to register their student at Silver Mesa. We still have openings in our extended-day kindergarten. There is a cost for that program, but they do offer fee waivers so please check it out. Here’s a link to sign up for that:
Wifi help for families
Comcast is providing free internet access for families in our district who don’t have that access. Please contact our front office for information and sign up.
Kindness Is Cool
Here are some more examples of kindness happening at our school these past couple of weeks. We have the best students!
Quinn Swanson (kindergarten) – waiting for his turn to talk to his teacher
Cole Almy (1st grade) – helping take materials to another student
Jury Brown (4th grade) – Helping people with math and being helpful
Max Bollinger (kindergarten) – helping classmate clean up their oral language station
Knight Robison (1st grade) – helping his classmate match items during art
Weston Taylor (1st grade) – helping his friend with cutting for art
Nick Christensen (4th grade) – offering to help a friend who was behind type up his dolphin essay!
Maverick Carlson (3rd grade) – ayudar a una companera de clase con su trabajo!
At Home Learning Tech Support
Or call: (801) 826-5200
Instagram link: silvermesa_eagles
School Website:
PTA News
Literacy Month
March Book Madness is underway for Literacy Month. Each class has been assigned a college team to represent for our March Madness competition. Hopefully, your student(s) turned in their reading minutes today. If not, just turn them in as soon as you can! Students will turn in reading minutes, as well as have the opportunity to complete additional literacy activities at home and during lunch recess. All papers are available on our website.
We need help running Lightning this Thursday, and other games for the next three Thursdays. If you would like to help out with recess activities any Thursday in March, sign up here!
Book Fair
Our virtual book fair closed last night. Thanks for your support!
One of the things that makes Silver Mesa so great is its volunteers! We need your help filling the following positions in next year’s PTA board. If this is something you can help with, please email
Believe it or not, this job is actually pretty easy! You learn the ropes as part of the PTA Executive board, with the intention that you take on the role of PTA President for the 2022-23 School Year. Of course, the next year is a big job, but you have lots of support from amazing people! We’re looking for friendly faces, organization/leadership skills, and a positive attitude to help our kids have a great experience at school!
STEAM Night CO-Coordinator
Plan and organize volunteers for our annual STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art & mathematics) night, typically held in January. We have one volunteer, and she would like a partner!
Junior Achievement
Work with our Junior Achievement Representative to order kits and organize training for Junior Achievement volunteers. (“Organize” just means set a date that the JA rep will come tell everyone what to do and make sure everyone gets their kits in the spring.)
You will help organize the membership campaign, to get members to register for PTA at the beginning of the school year, and enter names into the PTA database for the year. It is typically done at back-to-school night and during the first few weeks of school.
Plan the fall fundraiser with the help of the executive team, typically held in early September, where we raise money for the PTA yearly activities.
Red Ribbon Week
Plan and execute activities during Red-Ribbon week, which is typically the last week of October. Red Ribbon week is our annual pledge to “Say No to Drugs and Alcohol” and activities are centered around that theme.
Family Fundraiser at MOD Pizza @ Ft. Union, 10:30 am-10 pm Tuesday, March 16th.
Upcoming Dates
March: Literacy Month! PTA is planning several activities this month that will focus on Literacy.
March 16th—PTA Family Fundraiser at MOD Pizza @ Ft. Union, 10:30 am-10 pm
March 25th—Spirit Day; Unicorn Day
April 5th-9th—Spring Break; no school
May 3rd-14th—RISE testing for grades 3rd-5th
Here’s to another GREAT week!
Julie Fielding, Principal
Silver Mesa Elementary