Dear Eagles,
Happy Valentines Week! We are promoting our Friendship skills this month and our student council is working hard on the Candy Grams. Parents are also welcome to purchase Candy Grams and can do it in our front office. Classroom parties and valentine exchanges will happen in the classrooms on Thursday, Feb. 11th. Please make sure that if treats are included with the valentines that they are individually wrapped.
We are providing a sack for students to collect their valentines in. After valentines have been passed out to everyone, the teachers will staple the bag closed to send home with the students. Parents can then decide if they feel comfortable allowing their students to open them at home that day or if you’d like to quarantine them for 2-3 days.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Don’t forget to sign-up for a time to meet virtually with your child’s teacher. Go into Family Access on Skyward to set up a meeting time. The window closes on Feb. 19th.
Candy Grams
The Silver Mesa Student Council is excited to continue their tradition of selling Candy Grams to celebrate Friendship month! Candy Grams are pencils or suckers with a note attached. They are $0.25 each. Due to Covid-19, we made some changes in our selling process. Students will need to bring in an order form filled out with the recipient’s name and teacher and whether they would like a sucker or pencil. They must pay with exact change. No change will be given. An order form will be sent home with each child around Feb 1st. Be sure to include your child’s name on the order form so the student council knows who it is coming from. There will also be an order form you can print off of the Silver Mesa Website. We are selling on Feb. 8th and 9th. Happy Friendship Month!
Teacher of the Year
We have many wonderful teachers here at Silver Mesa, and we’d love to hear from parents as to who they would nominate for this honor. You are welcome to Access the nomination form here or write up your own narrative as to why your child’s teacher should be considered this year. You may email your nominations into the PTA or send them to me. The deadline to turn in a nomination is March 5th. We love our teachers!
Silver Mesa Emergency Preparedness 2020-21
At Silver Mesa we believe in creating a culture of safety. Fostering a secure and supportive learning environment at our schools is of paramount importance and is best accomplished through vigilance and adherence to safety standards. Throughout the school we practice safety procedures monthly to provide guidance and security to our students in times of an emergency. Our emergency drills are divided into three groups: Evacuate, Shelter-in-Place and Lockdown.
EVACUATE – To the Announced Location
Evacuation safety drills are practiced for when there is a need to move students, visitors and employees out of the building to safety. During an evacuation safety drill, classes will line up on assigned spots away from the building in specific locations. If there is an actual emergency and a need to evacuate the premises, we will relocate to the LDS church east of campus where parents can pick up their students.
Students are trained to:
- Leave stuff behind
- Follow directions
Teachers are trained to:
- Grab roll sheets. Team Leaders will take out school emergency kits
- Lead evacuation to location
- Take roll
- Report problems to Team Leaders
January Eagles of the Month
Congratulations to all our awesome eagles!
Keller AM: Gwen Nelson
Keller PM: Max Bollinger
Crabtree: Luca Branscomb
1st grade:
Milianta: Kira Minson
Orosco: Bridger Mendenhall
Latoni: Smith Larsen
Sanz: Charlotte Tanner
2nd grade:
Coleman: Maisy Brooks
Guzman: Enzo Tarantini
Gallo: Avery Rankin
Vincent: Nixxon Mehdy
3rd grade:
Wilkinson: Penny Young
Kunzler: Addie Orullian
Ferre: Annabelle Lennon
Trifilio: Jeni Lavea
Tingey: Madelin Garcia Aguilar
4th grade:
Baird/ West: Brooklyn Poulsen
Arbeloa: Pierce Stanley
Brown: Jane Thackeray
Fowden: Emma Thor
5th grade:
Deem: Jacob Wilson
Hayes: Crosby Huntington
Sandgren: Jesse Fisher
Perez: Leah Simons
Nelson: Kylee Burgon
Kindness Is Cool
Here are some more examples of kindness happening at our school these past couple of weeks. We have the best students!
Kaj Jensen (1st grade) – helping pick up pencils
Kellen Nelson (2nd grade) – being so kind with others when he lets them go first and takes his turn to share or speak
Sadie Taylor (2nd grade) – helping the teacher organize all the iPads into the cart at the end of the class
Presslie Calvin (3rd grade) – always respectful and kind to others. Very helpful
Issac Isom, Isabella Amaya, Emma Reich, Amira Kirby, & Miriam Beus (5th grade) – problem solving a friendship issue with class and kindness. They used many of the Second Step skills! Way to go, friends!
Scarlett Younglove (1st grade) – helping her friends!
Bek Nacey (3rd grade) limpiar todos los escritorios para ser amable!
Fisher Falkner (3rd grade) i ayudar con la puerta sin ser pedido!
Declan Leonard (1st grade) supporting his friends and being kind!
Remi Tackhara (Kindergarten) – listening to his teacher during whole group
At Home Learning Tech Support
Or call: (801) 826-5200
Instagram link: silvermesa_eagles
School Website:
PTA News
There will be class parties this Thursday, Feb. 11th. Students may bring valentines to pass out–just make sure that everything is wrapped, and everything will go home and will not be eaten in the classroom. No Valentine boxes this year–students will be provided a bag at school to decorate and hold valentines.
Family Fundraiser Night next Tuesday!
Chipotle at Ft. Union
Tuesday, Feb. 16th
4-8 PM
When ordering online, use code A29P4ZF to give credit to Silver Mesa. If ordering in, be sure to mention Silver Mesa at checkout. Thanks for supporting Silver Mesa and our local businesses!
Kindness Project
As you know, spreading kindness is a priority at Silver Mesa. During the month of April, we will have a tent out each Thursday during lunch recess where kids can participate in various activities that spread kindness. If you would like to help with the planning and execution of these activities, there will be a zoom meeting on Thursday, February 18th at 1pm. Please email Elise Caffee at for a link to the meeting.
Reflections Theme Poster Contest
Three winners will be chosen and will receive Amazon gift cards. The first place winner will receive a poster and the honor of having their art chosen to represent reflections through the entire state of Utah. The 2021-2022 theme is “I Will Change the World by…” Enter as many times as you want!
Next year’s PTA board
One of the things that makes Silver Mesa so great is its volunteers! We need your help filling the following positions in next year’s PTA board. If this is something you can help with, please email
Junior Achievement
Work with Junior Achievement Representative to order kits and organize training for Junior Achievement volunteers. (“Organize” just means set a date that the JA rep will come tell everyone what to do and make sure everyone gets their kits in the spring.)
You will help organize the membership campaign, to get members to register for PTA at the beginning of the school year, and enter names into the PTA database for the year. It is typically done at back-to-school night and during the first few weeks of school.
Book fair co-chair
Assist the book fair chair with planning and organizing the fall and spring book fairs.
Plan the fall fundraiser with the help of the executive team, typically held in early September, where we raise money for the PTA yearly activities.
Red Ribbon Week
Plan and execute activities during Red-Ribbon week, which is typically the last week of October. Red Ribbon week is our annual pledge to “Say No to Drugs and Alcohol” and activities are centered around that theme.
Upcoming Dates
Feb. 8th-9th: Candy Grams facilitated by our Student Council;
Feb. 3rd—SCC meeting; 7:15 am; Zoom
Feb. 7th-14th: Window to change your child’s learning option for the last trimester; if you are planning to stay with the option you currently have, there is no need to do anything.
Feb. 7th-Feb. 19th—Sign up for a conference time to meet with your child’s teacher
Feb. 11th—Valentine’s Day class parties
Feb 24th and 25th—Virtual Parent Teacher Conferences
Feb. 25th—Early Out Day
Feb. 26th—No School; teacher compensatory day
March 1st—PTA Meeting; 12:30; Zoom
March 3rd—SCC Meeting; 7:30 AM; Zoom
Here’s to another GREAT week!
Julie Fielding, Principal
Silver Mesa Elementary