8920 S. 1700 East, Sandy, UT 84093

Monday Minute 2.16.2021

Dear Eagles,

What a snowstorm today!  The students loved building snowmen and other snow sculptures at their recesses.  Please remember to send students with appropriate clothing to be outside in the weather.  Snow pants, gloves, boots, and hats are all welcome.  Also, the snow seemed to make masks get wet at recess and many students didn’t have a spare in their backpack.  Be sure to have some spare masks so students are comfortable in class after their recesses.  

Spirit Day on Thursday

Spirit Day is this Thursday!  It is Twin or Friend Day.  Get together with 2, 3, 4, or more friends and dress alike. 


Digital Citizenship Week

This week we will be focusing on being good digital citizens.  Here’s what we’re learning about:

Tuesday’s digital citizenship focus is Privacy. 

 Whether you are online or in real life, remember not to share any personal information with others. Your name, school, the town you live in, and more should be kept as secret and safe as your password.


Wednesday’s digital citizenship focus is your Digital Footprint.

 Everything we do and say online forms our digital footprint. It follows us around and can never be deleted. Be sure your footprint is full of kind and respectful words and actions. Make it is something you can be proud of.


Thursday’s digital citizenship focus is Cyberbullying.

Our words and actions have power. It is important to be kind online and in real life. Be sure stop and share with an adult anytime you see bullying. Be an example to ensure everyone is treated with respect.


Parent Teacher Conferences

Don’t forget to sign-up for a time to meet virtually with your child’s teacher.  Go into Family Access on Skyward to set up a meeting time.    The window closes on Friday, Feb. 19th.


Teacher of the Year

Have you nominated your favorite teacher yet?  You are welcome to Access the nomination form here or write up your own narrative as to why your child’s teacher should be considered this year.  You may email your nominations into the PTA or send them to me.  The deadline to turn in a nomination is March 5th.  We love our teachers!


Kindness Is Cool

Here are some more examples of kindness happening at our school these past couple of weeks.  We have the best students!

Luke Tanner (Kindergarten) – Cheering on a friend for passing off a Lexia level

Porter Clement (2nd grade) – helping to put away others book bins and computers when they forgot

Ezra Zimmerman (2nd grade)- helping put away others’ book bins when they forgot

Brooklyn Cone (4th grade) – siempre ofrecer ayuda a sus companeros

2nd Grade Mrs. Guzman’s class – the whole class has been helping a new student at recess

2nd grade Mrs. Vincent’s class – the whole class has been helping a new student at recess

Ally Williams (5th grade) – organizing the computers

Kaite Twitchell (5th grade) organizing the computers


At Home Learning Tech Support


Or call:  (801) 826-5200


Instagram link:  silvermesa_eagles

School Website:  https://silvermesa.canyonsdistrict.org/


PTA News

Family Fundraiser Dinner Tonight!

Still recovering from the long weekend?  Get takeout tonight!  

Chipotle at Ft. Union

Tonight, Tuesday, Feb. 16th

4-8 PM

When ordering online, use code A29P4ZF to give credit to Silver Mesa.  If ordering in, be sure to mention Silver Mesa at checkout.  Thanks for supporting Silver Mesa and our local businesses!

Kindness Project

As you know, spreading kindness is a priority at Silver Mesa.  During the month of April, we will have a tent out each Thursday during lunch recess where kids can participate in various activities that spread kindness.  If you would like to help with the planning and execution of these activities, there will be a zoom meeting this Thursday, February 18th at 1pm.  Please email Elise Caffee at elise.caffee@gmail.com for a link to the virtual meeting.  

P/T Conference Dinners

We could use some help covering dinners for P/T conferences.  If you can help, click on this link: 

Sign Up to help with P/T Conference Dinners

Thanks for your help!

Book Fair

Our Virtual Book Fair is coming Feb 22-March 7. Stay tuned for details!!!

Reflections Theme Poster Contest

Three winners will be chosen and will receive Amazon gift cards.  The first place winner will receive a poster and the honor of having their art chosen to represent reflections through the entire state of Utah.  The 2021-2022 theme is “I Will Change the World by…”  Enter as many times as you want!  


Next year’s PTA board

One of the things that makes Silver Mesa so great is its volunteers!  We need your help filling the following positions in next year’s PTA board.   If this is something you can help with, please email  silvermesapta@gmail.com.  

Junior Achievement

Work with Junior Achievement Representative to order kits and organize training for Junior Achievement volunteers. (“Organize” just means set a date that the JA rep will come tell everyone what to do and make sure everyone gets their kits in the spring.)


You will help organize the membership campaign, to get members to register for PTA at the beginning of the school year, and enter names into the PTA database for the year.  It is typically done at back-to-school night and during the first few weeks of school.

Book fair co-chair

Assist the book fair chair with planning and organizing the fall and spring book fairs.  


Plan the fall fundraiser with the help of the executive team, typically held in early September, where we raise money for the PTA yearly activities. 

Red Ribbon Week

Plan and execute activities during Red-Ribbon week, which is typically the last week of October.  Red Ribbon week is our annual pledge to “Say No to Drugs and Alcohol” and activities are centered around that theme.  



 Upcoming Dates

Feb. 7th-Feb. 19th—Sign up for a conference time to meet with your child’s teacher

Feb. 18th—Spirit Day:  Twin or Friend Day

Feb 24th and 25th—Virtual Parent Teacher Conferences

Feb. 25th—Early Out Day

Feb. 26th—No School; teacher compensatory day

March 1st—PTA Meeting; 12:30; Zoom

March 3rd—SCC Meeting; 7:30 AM; Zoom



Here’s to another GREAT week!


Julie Fielding, Principal

Silver Mesa Elementary

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org