8920 South 1700 E., Sandy, UT 84093

Monday Minute

Dear Parents,

Today is my last Monday Minute as principal of Silver Mesa.  I want to share my sincere gratitude to have served here at this school for the past ten years.  This is a wonderful community, and I have appreciated all the support you give our school.  I know you’ll be in good hands with the incoming principal and want to give my best wishes to everyone as we move forward.  Thank you, so very much.  Silver Mesa will always have a piece of my heart.


Thank you, PTA!

Our PTA has been incredible this past year and provided so many great activities for our students.  Thank you for your amazing support of Silver Mesa.  We appreciate it!  And thank you to the many volunteers that step in to make these activities possible, including the fun Field Day today.  We have the best PTA!


Kindness Is Cool

Here are some examples of kindness happening at our school these past couple of months.  We have the best students!

Hunter Norman (Kindergarten) – picked up a student’s coat and gave it to him so he didn’t forget to take it home

Gabriel Skinner (Kindergarten) – shared his glue stick with two friends who did not have one

Cannon Almy (5th grade) – helped a fellow student who was struggling 

Bella Younglove (3rd grade) – assisted a teacher without being asked

Enzo Tarantini (4th grade) – showing respect for a teacher and helping out

Mark Stuart (1st grade) – getting an extra fork for a friend at lunch

Connor Lucey & Aiden Hardcastle (Kindergarten) – picking up trash that was not theirs to clean the classroom

Charli McCloy (Kindergarten) – helped a student open his snack because he couldn’t use his hurt arm


May Eagles of the Month

Congratulations to our Eagles of the Month!  This honor is a nomination from their classroom teacher.  Thanks for being such awesome students!



Crabtree:         Oliver Jimenez

Prime:              Gabriel Skinner

Keller:              Paige Bullock



1st grade:

Milianta:          Johanna Yazzie

Rogers:            Farris Knight

Babitz:             Loick McLoughlin

Sanz:                June Ballstaedt

Smith:              Thiago Avila Padilla



                2nd grade:

Coleman:                      Lexii Elmer

Vincent:                        Jainee Guterrez

Guzman: orange         Sylvie Sanchez

Perez: yellow               Emma Erekson



3rd grade:

Kunzler:          Troy Zobell

Christensen:    Eleanor Madsen

Trifilio:              Torrin Smith

Wilkinson:       Teancum Zank

Shaeli:             Joshua Zimmerman               

Penn:               Daniel Uitdenhowen


4th grade:

Brown:                          Wyatt Ray                

Fowden:                        Emmet Wallace

Baird/West: blue       Lincoln Bird

Arbeloa: green         Courtney Oviatt





5th grade:

Deem:                          Hannah Frost          

Nelson:                         Danielle Richards      

Ordaya: green               Tori Siebers  

Milne:   blue                 Isaac Ames

Hayes:                          Cristian Tiscareno 


Upcoming Dates


May 22nd—Field Day for grades K-5th; School lunch will be sandwiches

May 22nd—Last Day for Kindergarten

May 23-25th—KEEP testing for all kindergarten students; Please sign up for individual appointments (instructions sent in Parent Square)

May 23rd—Fifth grade dance

May 26th—Last Day of School; Dismissal at 12:20; No lunch served this day



It’s a great day to be an eagle!  


Julie Fielding, Principal

Silver Mesa Elementary


Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org