Dear Parents,
We are currently in Tier 3 protocols as we have over 15 positive Covid cases attached to our school. We are being super vigilant with these protocols, hoping our numbers will start dropping. Under these protocols, we can’t have any assemblies, field trips, or volunteers in our building. We will be at this Tier 3 level for two weeks, and if our numbers go down, we will drop to the lower tier protocols again. I appreciate our community for getting their students tested. This helps to stop the spread. Thank you for your support!
Lost and Found
With the weather getting colder, now is a great time to have your student check the Lost and Found in the cafeteria for some of their lost articles. It is overflowing with lost jackets, sweatshirts, masks, and other personal items!
Supporting Students
We know with the Covid pandemic affecting a third school year that many students may be feeling more anxious than normal. We work hard here at Silver Mesa to make this a positive, safe place to be. Here are a few of the supports we have in place for students:
- Trips to the Principal—a positive note complimenting students that they bring to the principal’s office for a prize
- Blue Tickets—any staff member can give a blue ticket to a student who is following our Eagle Expectations. Students give them to their teachers for class rewards.
- Kindness Focus and nominations—Staff nominates students they see performing an act of kindness. The principal goes to the classroom and shares it with the class and gets a picture that is posted on a bulletin board and on our TVs.
- Morning meetings—All classrooms meet each morning to set a tone for respectful and engaged learning in a climate of trust. It builds connections among students and helps them to feel a sense of belonging.
- Full-time school psychologist and part-time social worker—Both are available to help students who need extra support.
- Positive teachers and staff!
Kindness Is Cool
Here are some more examples of kindness happening at our school these past couple of weeks. We have the best students!
River Nowlin (Kindergarten) – making friendship bracelets for all her classmates
James Sontum (4th grade) – helping another student when their tote tray spilled on the floor
Serena Morrison (2nd grade) – said thank you for taking care of her today. So sweet!
Charly Bach (2nd grade) – helping Ryder to the office when he was hurt during recess
Cannon Almay (4th grade) – offering and helping pick up ribbon materials at the end of class
Ariel Morrison (5th grade) – helping to take a student to the bus
Owen Kinser (Kindergarten) – helping a friend at recess
Talon Titus (2nd grade) – giving his own expo-marker to another student
Annie Maxwell (2nd grade) – helping another student look for her ‘super-improver” card
School Website:
Instagram: silvermesa_eagles
Parent Volunteer application link:
Lunch Menus:
PTA News
No volunteers allowed at school until
we reach Tier 2 again.
Spirit Night- Nov 10-14
Papa Murphy’s
Silver Mesa Choir- Cancelled Due to Covid
Watch D.O.G.S -Cancelled Due to Covid
Reflections Entries
To view this year’s reflections entries, go here and click the link.
Come Play With PTA
There are some Come Play With PTA events coming up for our PTA members. This program is one of the benefits of membership and gives you discounts to activities around the valley. Click on the links below to get the details!
Science Fair
Time to start thinking about the science fair! Silver Mesa will have an in-person science fair on Jan. 10, 2022. Please register your student by Nov. 29, 2021 at the Silver Mesa PTA website: Click on Programs along the left side, then science fair, then register at the link below. (We are having some trouble updating the info page, but the registration link works. If the dates on science fair page are for 2021, please disregard and refer to this email.)
This year 4th and 5th grade students will present google slide shows to judges, instead of using a tri-fold board. This will help our 5th grade students easily progress to District (if selected) and help 4th graders get used to this style of presentation. The district has provided a slide template to make this easier. K-3rd grade students can choose to present a slide show or create a tri-fold board. Please see the PTA website for more information (website in progress) or email Jill at
PTA Membership:
Be a voice for your child! Just $6.50 to provide national, state and local advocacy for your student. No participation/volunteering is required beyond signing up as a member, but you are always welcome!
Sign up today:
Want to know where your dues go?
Upcoming Dates
Nov. 9th—Watch DOGS social; 5:30 in the cafeteria Cancelled due to Covid protocols
Nov. 10th-14th—Papa Murphy’s Spirit Night
Nov. 15th—Report cards will be sent home from the first trimester
Nov. 23rd—Last date for parents of kindergarten students to apply for the Dual Language Immersion program starting in 1st grade. Parents and guardians can apply online anytime from Oct. 4 to Nov. 23. Siblings of current DLI students must also apply.
Nov. 24th-26th—Thanksgiving Recess; No School
Nov. 29th—Last day to register for the Science Fair
Dec. 3rd—Remote Learning Day; Teacher preparation day
Have a great day!