8920 S. 1700 East, Sandy, UT 84093

Monday Minute 10.12.2020

Dear Eagles,

This week is Fall Break on Thursday and Friday.  I hope your family can enjoy some time together.  Because those days are not instructional school days, we will not be sending home any sack lunches/breakfasts for those days.  The free meals will be sent home only on the Thursdays that precede the independent-learning Fridays.  School lunches will continue to be free for all students for the remainder of this school year—June 2021.

Kindness Is Cool

Here are some more examples of kindness happening at our school these past couple of weeks.  We have the best students!

Addison Sanchez (4th grade)—always helping her peers!

Matthew Kunzler (4th grade)—Held the door open for everyone to enter and exit during Brain Boosters.

Amanda Metcalf, Jack Zobell, and Luke Featherstone (5th Grade)—Stepping up and helping a classmate without being asked.

Kate Anjewierden (1st grade)—helping a friend who fell and scraped her knee.


Dual Immersion 

The start of October signals the opening of the window to apply for CSD’s Dual Language Immersion Programs for the 2021-2022 school year. Parents and guardians of kindergarten students can apply online anytime from Monday, Oct. 5 to Wednesday, Nov. 25.

In addition, families interested in learning about these programs are invited to a virtual Orientation Night on Tuesday, Oct. 22, 6:30-8 p.m. To join the orientation, click here and enter the meeting ID 861 2733 3185 and the passcode 201030.

Please note, that students with siblings currently enrolled in a Dual-Language Immersion school must still submit applications by the Nov. 25 deadline. A lottery will be held to determine entrance into the programs if the number of applicants exceeds the 56 seats available per entering class.

Here’s a link to begin the application process:



SALTA Testing

This year, students will be able to test during the day at our own school to see if they qualify to participate in the district’s gifted and talented program.  The deadline to apply for testing is Oct. 16th.  A flyer was sent out to all families with information about registering. Here’s a link:  https://www.canyonsdistrict.org/general-news/salta-testing-apply-to-test-for-placement-in-canyons-advanced-learning-program/



At Home Learning Tech Support

If you are learning online or doing the parent-led options, here’s a link to some supports for technology concerns.  There are written resources, videos to walk you through some common issues that come up, and a link to ask for some specific helps.  The Silver Mesa PTA website also has some links for the Online Learning Resources.   


You can also call:  (801) 826-5200



PTA News


Hopefully your child turned in the yellow BINGO sheet today that recorded minutes read for last week.  Prizes will be awarded at the end of the day.  This week AND next week’s BINGO sheet is orange and it is oriented around diversity–finding books written about life in another country, written by an author of color,  characters with disabilities, and much more.  Check out the sheet for more ideas.  These topics will help children broaden their horizons.  Students have 2 weeks to work on this sheet due to the short week this week.


What do I do with….

BINGO sheets?   Mark off squares that students complete, record your minutes, turn in on Mondays (exception:  NOT next Monday. 🙂

PLEDGE ENVELOPE?  Record pledges and minutes read;  collect money after read-a-thon is over; return to school w/ money on Monday, Nov. 2

SKINNY SLIPS OF PAPER that say Book: Author: Student: Teacher:? Fill them out each time you read a book and turn them in.  We are making a giant “bookshelf” with all the books read at our school.



Participating in Reflections this year has SO MANY PERKS!  Check out our http://silvermesapta.org/Page/PTA/Reflections to learn more.  If you need help submitting your reflections entry online, our Reflections chair will be at school on Thursday, 10/22  from 7:45-8:15 am, 11:30-12:30 pm, and 3:00-3:30 pm in the SE corner of the school (weather permitting)  Entries due Oct. 26th.


Red Ribbon Week

We have a fun red-ribbon week planned for the last week of October.  Instead of doing the egg-drop at school, we are encouraging families to do it at home the weekend of Oct. 22nd, and send in your pictures to do a school video.  All the rest of the info will be up on our website.

Fri. 10/22:  Egg drop with families

Mon. 10/26:  Wear Red!

Tues. 10/27:  Crazy Sock Day!


Hispanic Heritage Month

Sept. 15th-Oct. 15th is Hispanic Heritage Month.  We have an awesome bulletin board on display in the school hallway celebrating the contributions of Hispanics who have contributed great things to our world.  


Social Media

Congratulations to Jennie Twitchell for being our winner this week!  This was our LAST WEEK of our drawings. Thank you for helping spread the word and get more people on our pages!


Box Tops

We know that Box tops has gone digital, but do you still have any clipped box tops hanging around at home?  Send them in a ziploc to school with your child’s name and teacher on them and we’ll make sure they get sent in!  Thanks!  Deadline for sending in paper box tops is Oct. 29th.


Upcoming Dates

Oct. 14th—Dress Like Your Favorite Book Character Spirit Day

Oct. 15-16th—Fall Break; No School

Oct. 16th:  Deadline to apply for SALTA testing

Oct. 20th—Papa Murphy’s Family Dinner Fundraiser Week

Oct. 22nd—Spirit Day:  Rainbow Day!  Each grade will wear the color determined by the Student Council.  Kindergarten—yellow; 1st grade—orange;  2nd grade—green; 3rd grade—red;  4th grade—blue;  5th grade—purple 

Oct. 26th-29th—Red Ribbon Week

Oct. 29th—Halloween class parties; We will not have a parade this year as we can’t have large gatherings.  Volunteers to help with parties will be limited.  Thanks for understanding!

Nov. 2nd—Picture Retakes

Nov. 2nd—Fundraiser collections due; PTA Board Meeting at 12:30



Here’s to another GREAT week!


Julie Fielding, Principal

Silver Mesa Elementary


Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org