8920 S. 1700 East, Sandy, UT 84093

Monday Minute 1.12.2021

Dear Eagles,

Thanks to all the students who participated in our science fair and special thanks to Jill Eichbauer, who organized the event, and the judges who helped out.  There were some great projects!


No School Days this Friday and Monday

This Friday is a teacher work day and students will not have any assignments for this day.  Monday is the Martin Luther King holiday, which also means no school.  Enjoy this 4-day weekend and we’ll see you back in school on Tuesday, Jan. 19th.

Crossing Guards

Sandy City Police Department is hiring Crossing Guards.  The pay is $15.00/hour.  Contact Janice Parker if you are interested.  801-783-0414


Online Learners

For those who are learning online, we have supply packets ready for you to pick up starting on Wednesday that include supplies for the next couple of months.  We also have some math books (volume 2) and class pictures that have not been picked up yet.  These items are in the vestibule as you enter the school and are organized by grade level.  The packets are specific to each grade, so be sure to pick up the correct one. 


Kindergarten Supplemental Hours of Instruction

SMART START: Ready for “big kid” school? Our school is pleased to be offering Supplemental Hours of Kindergarten Instruction next year. Starting on Wednesday, Jan. 20 at 10 a.m., Canyons District will begin accepting online applications for the program for the 2021-2022 school year. Students must be 5 years old by Sept. 1, 2021 to participate in the opt-in, tuition-based program. Space is limited and applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Phase one of the application process will end on Thursday, Feb. 4 at 11:59 p.m. By Feb. 11, families will be notified of whether their students have been admitted to a school of their choosing or placed on a waiting list with the option of enrolling in a school with openings.

Students who are accepted into the program will receive nearly four additional hours of

instruction every school day. The participating children begin and end school at the same time as the school’s first- through fifth-grade students. Cost for the program is $2,950 a year, and can be paid in monthly installments. A 10 percent discount is available for parents and guardians who pay the yearly tuition in full at one time. There also is a one-time, non-refundable registration fee of $100. Financial-need scholarships also are available for qualifying students. More information, including an FAQ, is on the CSD website.



Kindness Is Cool

Here are some more examples of kindness happening at our school these past couple of weeks.  We have the best students!

Thomas McCoy (2nd grade)—helping a friend on crutches to be comfortable and carry his things

Rome Moran (2nd grade)—helped a student find his things

Austin Roy (5th Grade)—accepting that he got out in 4-square instead of making a big deal about it


At Home Learning Tech Support


Or call:  (801) 826-5200


PTA News

Science Fair

Projects are due today!  Can’t wait to see what our young scientists came up with!  Thanks to Jill Eichbauer for organizing it for us this year.  


Family Night at Handel’s Ice Cream!

THIS Tuesday, January 12th, 3:00-10:00pm

6933 S. 1300 E.  Cottonwood Heights (Trader Joes/Cafe Rio shopping area)

20% of all earnings will go to Silver Mesa Elementary when you mention our school at checkout.


Literacy Month

Our theme for this year’s literacy month is “March Madness.”  We will NOT be hosting a family Literacy Night this year (big surprise!), but there is plenty we can do to add a little fun and spice up our reading adventures for the month of March.  If you would like to help plan Literacy Month, we will be meeting Tuesday, January 19th, at 10:00am.  We’re not sure yet if this meeting will be virtual or in person.  If you are interested in helping out, please email silvermesapta@gmail.com and we will be sure to get you the meeting information.


Reflections Theme Poster Contest

Three winners will be chosen and will receive Amazon gift cards.  The first place winner will receive a poster and the honor of having their art chosen to represent reflections through the entire state of Utah.  The 2021-2022 theme is “I Will Change the World by…”  Enter as many times as you want!  




Looking ahead, there will be classroom parties this year on Feb. 11th, but we’re still not quite sure what that will look like.  We do know that students may bring valentines to pass out–just make sure that everything is wrapped, and everything will go home and will not be eaten in the classroom.


Next year’s PTA board

If you can believe it, it’s already time to start thinking about next year’s PTA board positions.  We will soon be posting our open positions and descriptions of each volunteer opportunity.   If this is something you are interested in, please email silvermesapta@gmail.com.  



Upcoming Dates

Jan. 11th—Science Fair

Jan. 12th—Spirit Night at Holland Ice Cream

Jan. 15th—No school for students; Teacher work Day

Jan. 18th—Martin Luther King Day; no school

Jan. 20th—Date opens to apply for kindergarten supplemental hours of instruction for school year 2021-22;  Apply at this link:  https://ksih.canyonsdistrict.org/ksih/#/start

Jan. 28th—Spirit Day: Crazy, Wacky, Silly Hair Day!



Here’s to another GREAT week!


Julie Fielding, Principal

Silver Mesa Elementary

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org