8920 S. 1700 East, Sandy, UT 84093

KEEP Testing: To Our New Kindergarten Families and Community,

To Our New Kindergarten Families and Community,

First, and foremost, Welcome to Silver Mesa Elementary! We are so excited to have you join our school and our community. WELCOME! As the time for school starting approaches, we have many things that we need to do as a school to ensure the best experience for your child’s first exposure to elementary school.

Last year, we transitioned to all-day Kindergarten for the first time, and we learned so much throughout the year. Those lessons have shown us that we will need to do Kindergarten registration and KEEP testing a little differently this year, than in years past. All incoming Kindergarten students will be registered in the same classroom, under the same teacher, JUST for KEEP testing purposes. This means that your child will be have the opportunity to be tested by one of our three, fabulous Kindergarten teachers, who will take the best care of your child and our future Soaring Eagle, during our KEEP testing time and the testing window.

After all students have had the opportunity to meet with one of our teachers for their KEEP test, the teachers, Instructional Coach, and myself, will be meeting to create class lists that are as BALANCED as possible based on several factors, again to ensure that your child will have the best learning experience possible in Kindergarten. We will try and honor teacher requests as much as possible, but please keep in mind, as we look at each student, we are looking at several factors including academics, multi-lingual needs, special education needs, gender ratios, and other needs. In addition, keep in mind that EACH of our Kindergarten teachers are amazing, equally qualified, and collaborate on all aspects of our Kindergarten program, to allow as complimentary and wonderful first experience to elementary education as possible.

We will be calling families on Wednesday morning, August 23, 2023 to inform them of their teacher, so that they can come to the Kindergarten Meet My Teacher that afternoon from 2:30-3:30 PM. This way, your student will know who their teacher is, which classroom to go to, where their seat is, ALL the important things for their FIRST DAY, the following day, Thursday, August 24, 2023.

We all look forward to meeting you and your child(ren) in the near future! If you have any questions, please feel free to call the office at 801.826.9400, or email me at noelle.jones@canyonsdistrict.org.


Noelle Jones

Noelle Jones, Principal, Silver Mesa Elementary

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