Dear Parents,
We’ve had a few issues in our drop-off, pick-up zone that are unsafe. Here are some gentle reminders:
- There is no dropping off or picking up students in the parking lots—both north and east lots. Please park if you need to walk your student into the building, but don’t drop them off in these areas.
- A line forms on 17th East in both directions to get into our campus at these times. Please don’t bypass that line to enter. Some cars have gone down the wrong side of the street to pull in. Others have pulled in and a bus is exiting there. (Buses are the only vehicle that may exit through the entrance pathway.)
As we’ve watched the wait times for drop-off and pick-up, it’s generally 10 minutes or less that you are waiting in line. In the afternoons, by 3:05 the line has dissipated. In the mornings, by 8:18 or so the line is gone most mornings. Please be patient and courteous and plan for that time. Thank you!
Kindness Is Cool
Here are some examples of kindness happening at our school these past couple of months. We have the best students!
Kekoa Apo (4th grade) – helping his teammate read through a difficult science passage
Gabriel Skinner (Kindergarten) – putting a clever badge away for someone so it wouldn’t get lost
Danah Abram (2nd grade) – sharing a pencil with a friend who lost theirs
Amy Alvarado-Espinoza (2nd grade) – shared her eraser with other students who didn’t have one
Enzo Peregrina (2nd grade) – gave all of his classmates thumbs up as their presentations were being presented
Eyal Vos (4th grade) – has been awesome at including our science friends & new Eagles at recess
Upcoming Dates
March 14th—PTA General Meeting; 11:30 am; All are welcome!
March 17th—2nd grade program for parents; 9:00 am
March 17th –Honeydukes store Open: Students may purchase Harry Potter-themed treats after their lunch in the kiva.
March 21st—Literacy Night; a not-to-be-missed event!
March 24th—Spirit Day: Adult Day; Dress up like an adult this day!
March 31st—5th Grade NOVA graduation program; 8:45 am
April 3rd-7th Spring Break
April 14th—Kindergarten Orientation
It’s a great day to be an eagle!
Julie Fielding, Principal
Silver Mesa Elementary
Important Links:
School Website:
Instagram: silvermesa_eagles
Parent Volunteer application:!/application/volunteer//
School Front Office: (801) 826-9400
PTA Info
Instagram- silver_mesa_pta
Facebook- Silver Mesa PTA
Calendar- Click here
Join our Silver Mesa PTA here. One Voice for every Child!
*-Silver Mesa PTA General Board Meeting: March 14th at 11:30 in Kiva
Executive Board members still needed for 2023-2024 year!!! Click here for more info
*-Literacy Month– March 1st-21st
+Thank you to all who have helped with Literacy Month so far and have supported us at Honeydukes. We had
fabulous character readers last week that made library time great! This week we need help in the Owlery
and there are a couple more spots for Honeydukes on Friday. Sign up here for School-day activities.
+This Friday is our last Honeydukes during school hours (lunchtime).
+Literacy Night will be held next Tuesday, March 21st. We need YOUR HELP to pull it off! There will be
a planning meeting after our general PTA meeting this Tuesday, March 14th at 12:30pm in the \
Kiva. Here we will finalize plans for the evening. We really need helpers at this point to take charge of
classes. If you can’t make it to the meeting, but you’re still willing to be in charge of a class at Literacy
Night, please contact Alecia Falk at
Sign up here to help with classes at Literacy Night.
*-Book Fair– March 21st-23rd
Sign up to help out at the Book Fair! Each volunteer will receive $5 in Scholastic Cash they can
redeem at the fair. We hope to see you there! Volunteer Here
*-Watch D.O.G.S (Dads of Great Students) WE NEED YOU!
Only 3 months left to Volunteer. Schedule your day today!
WATCH D.O.G.S. ® (Dads Of Great Students) is a family and community engagement educational initiative.
There are 2 primary goals of the WATCH D.O.G.S. ® program.
1) To provide positive male role models for the students, demonstrating by their presence that education is important.
2) To provide extra sets of eyes and ears to enhance school security and reduce bullying.
For more information and to be a Watch D.O.G.S. volunteer, Click HERE
5th Grade information:
2023 5th Grade Maturation Program Schedule
Eastmont Middle/Crescent Building, 11150 S. 300 East (Vista Way), Sandy
Tuesday, March 14 — Boys Program, 7-8 p.m.
Thursday, March 16 — Girls Program, 7-8 p.m.
Albion Middle, 2755 Newcastle Dr., Sandy
Wednesday, March 22 — Girls Program, 7-8 p.m.
Thursday, March 23 — Boys Program, 7-8 p.m.
Mt. Jordan Middle, 9351 Mountaineer Ln., Sandy
Monday, March 27 — Boys Program, 7-8 p.m.
Tuesday, March 28 — Girls Program, 7-8 p.m.