Dear Parents,
Congratulations to our new Student Council Presidency! They are:
President: Claire Eves
VP: Wes Tanner
Secretary: Hadley Madsen
Historian: Penny Young
They help produce our weekly video announcements and give service to our school every week. They meet monthly with all of the student council members to plan spirit days and other ways to serve and bring unity to our school. They are amazing examples of Silver Mesa Eagles!
Emergency Substitutes
Each year we create a list of people who would be willing to substitute just at Silver Mesa. This is called our Emergency Substitute list. If you are interested in being on that list, we’d love to have you! We are short of substitutes district wide and love having our community help in classrooms when needed. If you have questions or are willing to be on the list, please call our front desk. Lisa Repp manages all our substitutes and is happy to answer your questions.
New Reading Program
I wanted to introduce myself. I am Annie Nixon, the new Instructional Coach at Silver Mesa. I am so impressed with the happy and kind feelings here at Silver Mesa.
This school year, our district implemented new literacy curriculum, Wonders and 95% Core Phonics program. With these new programs, you will see a few new changes. There won’t be the traditional “Friday” spelling tests. The upper grades follow a 10 day schedule and the lower grades follow a 5 day but a “wrap around” schedule. This means that students won’t begin each unit of study on a Monday and end on a Friday. The spelling words may be assessed based on implementation of the skill as well. Your child’s teacher should be sending more information about spelling tests for their classroom.
Parent Square
All of our teachers are communicating with parents through Parent Square this year. I’d like to also send out any school communications through this system as well. Today and next week, I’ll be sending out this Monday Minute through both Parent Square and Skylert. After that, I will send it out only through Parent Square. Please reach out if you are not getting the weekly emails.
Recycle Bin
The community is welcome to recycle any paper or cardboard boxes in our recycle bins. We do ask that you break down the boxes so we can fit in all the boxes and paper we are recycling here at school as well. Also, no laminated papers, wrapping paper, or garbage is allowed. Thank you!
Older Chrome Books
Before we surplus our older Chrome Books that won’t support our testing protocols, I’d like to offer them to our current students to use them at home. These will be free of charge. The school will not service these chrome books if there is any problem or issue with them. The firewalls will also be deleted, so be aware there are no protections on it from the school end. Please let our front office know if you would like one, and we’ll get you on the list. They are not ready to be handed out yet, but should be within the next couple of weeks. The last day to request one is this Friday, Sept. 2nd.
Wolf Pack Running Club
Come join our Elementary Cross Country Team. Assistant Coach still needed.
Registration link.
School Community Council
Every public school in Utah has a School Community Council. Membership terms are for two years, and we hold elections at the beginning of each school year, if needed. Our committee meets on Zoom on the first Wednesday of most months at 7:15 am.
If you would like to serve on the School Community Council, please respond to this email any time before Sept. 6th. If we receive more candidates than we have openings, we’ll implement a vote. We’d love to have you participate!
Important Links:
School Website:
Instagram: silvermesa_eagles
Parent Volunteer application link:
Lunch Menus:
School Front Office: (801) 826-9400
PTA News
*– Safety Patrol
Our safety patrol students and adults work hard to keep everyone safe. Those walking to school, please use the crosswalks- across 1700 E and in the front of the school. Those driving- remember to pull as far as you can forward, have your child exit out the right side of the car onto the sidewalk and drive slowly as you’re leaving. Thank you!
*– Spirit Wear
We are excited that our PTA theme-“Kindness Begins with Me” will continue into this year. We will also be offering it in Spirit Wear again. Get your Spirit Wear here
*-Watch D.O.G.S (Dads of Great Students)
We’re excited for our Watch D.O.G.S program this year! We invite and encourage all Father Figures (Dad, Grandpa, Big Brother, Uncle, etc) to join us for our Launch Event-
Hot Dog Hello– Aug 30th 6:00-7:00 pm in the cafeteria/gym. If you are unable to attend but would still like to be a part of the program, click HERE
*-PTA General Board Meeting- Sept 6th 12:30pm (in person and zoom)
We will be holding our board meetings the 1st Tuesday of each month. We encourage all (member or not) to attend. This is an opportunity for you to ask any questions you have to our Principal Ms. Fielding and to discuss what/how the PTA supports our school. We’d love to have a variety of voices and perspectives. See you there!
*-Join our Silver Mesa PTA here. One Voice for every Child!
*-Meet the Candidates (That will be on your Ballot on November 8th)
All Candidates for Federal, State and Local offices will be invited to attend. Flyer
*-Choir (3rd-5th graders)
We are hoping to bring back Choir this year. If you are interested in being a Choir assistant or pianist, please contact Crystal Zank
A student interest form will be coming home this week. Here’s a link to the interest form:
Upcoming Dates
Sept. 1st—Class pictures will be taken to display here in our building
Sept. 5th—Labor Day holiday; no school
Sept. 6th—General PTA meeting; 12:30; kiva; All are welcome!
Sept. 9th—Picture Day
Sept. 12th—Vision Screening for certain grades
Sept. 13th—Spirit Night at Zupas
Sept. 15th-16th—Acadience Testing
Sept. 28th & 29th—Parent/Teacher Conferences
Sept. 30th—Compensatory Day; no school
It’s a great day to be an eagle!
Julie Fielding, Principal
Silver Mesa Elementary