Dear Parents,
The superintendent has asked that the district remain in Tier 3 COVID protocols for this week again. We think we’ll be moving to a lower tier soon. We are planning for a normal Valentine’s Day party for students on Feb. 14th, and our STEAM Night is on target for Feb. 22nd.
These next two Fridays are Remote Learning Days. Teachers will be available to provide support if needed. Thursdays are normal length days, dismissal at 2:55pm, and students who choose to do so may bring home a school breakfast/lunch for Friday.
Union Middle Parent Informational Virtual Meeting for 5th grade –
Wednesday, February 2nd from 6:30 -7:30 pm
This virtual meeting will be held on Zoom.
For the Zoom link, parents can go to Union’s website on the night on February 2nd and click on the meeting link.
The Countdown to Supplemental Kindergarten: Our school will be offering Supplemental Hours of Kindergarten Instruction, and you can apply to enroll for the 2022-2023 school year now. Students must be 5 years old by Sept. 1, 2022 to participate in the opt-in, tuition-based program. Space is limited and applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Phase one of the application process will end on Tuesday, Feb. 8 at 11:59 p.m. By Feb. 15, families will be notified of whether their students have been admitted or placed on a waiting list with the option of enrolling in another Canyons District school with openings. Supplemental Kindergarten sets up students for a successful school launch by providing four additional hours of instruction every school day. Participants begin and end school the same time as their first- through fifth-grade peers. Cost for the program is $2,950 a year, and can be paid in monthly installments. A 10 percent discount is available for parents and guardians who pay the yearly tuition in full at one time. There also is a one-time, non-refundable registration fee of $100. Financial-need scholarships also are available for qualifying students. More information, including answers to common questions, is on the CSD website.
We have had several families already apply and are looking at the possibility of having two classrooms here at Silver Mesa doing the supplemental hours. If you know of any kindergarten-age students in your neighborhood that may not be aware of this program or that they can start registering their child for next year, please pass along this information. Thanks!
Teacher of the Year
The nomination window for this year’s Teacher of the Year closes this Friday, Feb. 4th. If you have a teacher you want to nominate, please reach out. We have some super great teachers at Silver Mesa! Here’s a link:
Science Fair District Finalists
Here are the 5th grade Science Fair finalists from the district fair. They will be moving on to the regional science fair at the University of Utah. Congratulations!
Cedar Anderson; Lemon Batter Experiment
Adelaide Baer; There’s a Bug on the Rug
Cedar Walker; Bouncing Balls
January Eagles of the Month
Congratulations to all of our wonderful students who earned the honor of Eagle of the Month!
Crabtree AM: Willow Kuran
Crabtree PM: Sophia Sutherland
Keller: Owen Kinser
1st grade:
Milianta: Isabelle Saley
Orosco: June Dickey
Latoni: Radek Humpal
Sanz: Sammy Louza
2nd grade:
Coleman: Joshua Zimmerman
Guzman: Ritamarie Katchadoorian
Gallo: Joslyn Johnson
Vincent: Finley Maw
Smith: Heath Porter
3rd grade:
Wilkinson: Lilly Broadbent
Kunzler: Ruby Thackery
Christensen: Porter Clement
Trifilio: Rochelle Shiftlett
4th grade:
Baird/West: Maya Martin
Arbeloa: Juliette Mills
Brown: Hunter Backman
Fowden: Zane Lawlor
5th grade:
Deem: Paizli Martin
Sandgren: Ruth Beus
Perez: Lily Bartholomew
Nelson: Lila Alderson
Hayes: Haylee Jex
Kindness Is Cool
Here are some more examples of kindness happening at our school these past couple of weeks. We have the best students!
Otis Martinez (Kindergarten) – helping a friend find his mask in the snow
Stone Nowlin (Kindergarten) – making room for another friend in the chill zone
Hilary Greenburg (1st grade) – picking an IPAD up from the floor so it wouldn’t break
Annie Maxwell (2nd grade) – letting another student wear her gloves
Landon Loran (1st grade) – bringing his friends things to class
School Website:
Instagram: silvermesa_eagles
Parent Volunteer application link:
Lunch Menus:
PTA News
Spirit Wear- Order or Re-order -Deadline to order January 31st
PTA General Meeting– Feb 1st at 12:30. Virtual only
Literacy Night/Month Committee Meeting
Tuesday, February 8th, 1:45-2:45pm
We’ll be discussing the details of Literacy month, including Quidditch at recess, Honeydukes, and Literacy Night itself. As many of our helpers in the past have “graduated,” we’re looking for fresh volunteers to bring this event back to life, as it is one of the favorites of Silver Mesa’s pre-Covid years. Also: Looking for a Co-Chair for this activity to learn the ropes to carry on Literacy Month in future years. Contact Alecia Falk if you plan to attend or would like to help out.
White Ribbon Week is all about Digital Safety!
Silver Mesa PTA will be hosting white ribbon week activities and classroom education this week, as well as beginning a special unit for all of our 4th graders to participate in during Brain Boosters. Look for a family magazine going home the week of February 14-18th.
STEAM Night: Feb. 22nd 6:00-8:00
Thanks to our amazing co-chairs, STEAM Night has been rescheduled for Tuesday, February 22nd, from 6-8pm. Stay tuned for more details!
Reflection Theme Logo Contest- $50 Amazon card to winner
PTA Membership:
Be a voice for your child! Just $6.50 to provide national, state and local advocacy for your student. No participation/volunteering is required beyond signing up as a member, but you are always welcome!
Sign up today:
Want to know where your dues go?
Upcoming Dates
Feb. 1st—PTA General Meeting at 12:30; Virtual only; All are welcome!
Virtual link:
Feb. 1st–5th Grade orientation; Union and Albion Middle School; counselors from the schools will visit our classrooms to talk about registration and answer questions
Feb. 2nd—5th Grade Open House for parents at Albion Middle School; This has moved to an online format. See their website for links and information.
Feb. 2nd—SCC Meeting at 7:15; Virtual only; All are welcome!
Feb. 2nd—Zoom meeting for Parents of students going to Union Middle School next year. 6:30-7:30
Feb. 4th—deadline to nominate a teacher for Teacher of the Year honors
Feb. 4th—Remote Learning Day
Feb. 11th—Remote Learning Day
Feb. 14th—Valentine’s Day Parties in classrooms
Feb. 22nd—STEAM Night; 6:00-8:00 pm; families are welcome!
Have a great day!
Julie Fielding, Principal
Silver Mesa Elementary