8920 S. 1700 East, Sandy, UT 84093

Monday Minute 1.3.22


Dear Parents,

Welcome back!  I hope your holidays were wonderful. 

Just a quick reminder that this Friday is a Remote Learning Day.  There will be no students at school, and teachers will give out the assignments for the day, whether it’s on CANVAS or by some other means.  For those who want one, a breakfast and lunch sack for Friday will be sent home with students on Thursday afternoon.


Remote Learning Day Study group

The Alta View PTA is offering support to students on this Friday who live near the Sandy Public Library.  Volunteers will be there from 10:30-12:30 to help students complete their assignments.  You are welcome to bring your child to this event.  For safety, an accompanying adult must stay at the library, but not necessarily in the room itself.  See the attached flyer for more information. Remote Learning Day Study Group   


December Eagles of the Month

Congratulations to all of our wonderful students who earned the honor of Eagle of the Month!

Crabtree AM: Silas Anderson 

Crabtree PM: Blake Maning

Keller: Oaklee Collard


1st grade:

Milianta: Zack Lewis

Orosco: Scarlett Long

Latoni: Gabe Tanner

Sanz: Oliver Whiting


 2nd grade:

Coleman: Eloise Shores

Guzman: Bodhi Passey

Gallo: Rhett Hutchings

Vincent: Max Cassell 


3rd grade:

Wilkinson: Leo Fowden

Kunzler: Maggie Benson

Christensen: Melody Morris

Trifilio: Paisley Johnson

Smith: Matthew Salcedo Ramirez


4th grade:

Baird/West: Van Moyes

Arbeloa: Jack Reich

Brown: Paisley Heeymeyer

Fowden: Cannon Almy


5th grade:

Deem: Matthew Kunzler

Sandgren: Beth Wilcox

Perez: Scarlett Smith 

Nelson: Jaxon Vincent

Hayes: Arya Summerhays



Teacher of the Year

The nomination window is opening for this year’s Teacher of the Year. The nomination window is Jan. 3-Feb. 4. Starting this year, nominations will be accepted online via the District website. If you have a teacher you want to nominate, please reach out.  We have some super great teachers at Silver Mesa!



Kindness Is Cool

Here are some more examples of kindness happening at our school these past couple of weeks.  We have the best students!

Richard Ruybal (1st grade) – picking up litter outside

Lilly Bird, Silas Esia & Bridget Ballstaedt (5th grade) – helped clean writing from walls

Blake Butler (4th grade) – helping a friend during science

Addie Orullian (4th grade) – being kind and helping a friend stay focused and complete a science project

Zara Baghoomian-Petty (5th grade) – ayudar a su companero para ser exitoso


School Website:  https://silvermesa.canyonsdistrict.org/

Instagram:  silvermesa_eagles

Parent Volunteer application link:  https://volunteer.canyonsdistrict.org/volunteersystem/volunteer/

Lunch Menus:  https://canyonsdistrict.nutrislice.com/menu/silver-mesa/lunch/2021-11-01




PTA News

PTA Board Meeting- Jan 3rd 12:30pm

Please join us for our PTA Board meeting Tuesday Jan 3rd at 12:30. It will be Virtual



Silver Mesa Egg Drop in the Sandy Journal



Science & Engineering Fair- Jan 10th

Projects need to be turned in to later then the morning of the 10th.

Come help Silver Mesa have a successful Science & Engineering Fair. We are in need of volunteer judges for our fair which is scheduled Jan. 10. 2022. The fair will start after morning announcements and run until all participants have had the opportunity to present. Judging is fun and don’t worry, we give guidance (a rubric is provided) to help you score the projects. If you are available to help for any amount of time, please email or text Jill Eichbauer. jeichbauer@yahoo.com 801-651-1093.


 LITERACY Night Committee Meeting

Our Harry Potter-Themed Literacy Month and Night is back in business this year!   The good news is that most of it is planned and ready to go (since it was cancelled due to COVID in March 2019)!  If you would like to be part of organizing and running our biggest event of the year, we need you!  We especially need help with someone taking over our Honeydukes Sweet Shoppe.  We are also seeking an “apprentice” to learn the ropes of running literacy month/night for future years.  Our first meeting will be Wednesday, January 12th, @ 1:30pm in the PTA portable. 


STEAM Night:  Tuesday, January 25th, 6-8PM

Our STEAM Night committee has been working hard to organize a wonderful community event that will showcase and offer classes in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics.  We hope you plan to attend!  A Sign-up genius will be coming shortly to help us run the evening smoothly.  


WHITE RIBBON WEEK:  Feb. 14-18th

White Ribbon Week is all about Digital Safety!

Silver Mesa PTA will be hosting white ribbon week activities and classroom education this week, as well as beginning a special unit for all of our 4th graders to participate in during Brain Boosters.  Look for a family magazine going home the week of February 14-18th. 



PTA Membership:

Be a voice for your child! Just $6.50 to provide national, state and local advocacy for your student. No participation/volunteering is required beyond signing up as a member, but you are always welcome!

Sign up today:

Want to know where your dues go? 



PTA Membership:

Be a voice for your child! Just $6.50 to provide national, state and local advocacy for your student. No participation/volunteering is required beyond signing up as a member, but you are always welcome!

Sign up today:

Want to know where your dues go? 



Upcoming Dates

Jan. 3rd—First day back at school

Jan. 4th—PTA General Meeting; 12:30.  This monthly meeting is held on the first Tuesday of each month.  All are welcome to attend in person or virtually!

Jan. 5th—SCC meeting is cancelled (This meeting is held the first Wednesday of each month at 7:15am.  It will resume in February.)

Jan. 7th—Remote Learning Day; No students in person, work will be assigned by the teachers

Jan. 10th—Science Fair

Jan. 14th—No Student Day; Teacher preparation day

Jan. 25th—STEAM Night—more details to come!

Feb. 4th—deadline to nominate a teacher for Teacher of the Year honors


Have a great day! 


Julie Fielding, Principal

Silver Mesa Elementary

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org