Dear Parents,
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! This Friday will be our monthly Remote Learning Day. No students will be at school while the teachers have a preparation day. Each teacher will send home their learning expectations for the day. Thursday, Dec. 2nd, will not be a short day, and will end at our normal time of 2:55.
NOVA Graduation for 5th Graders
Our 5th graders have been working hard learning the skills of NOVA taught by our resource officer. Their graduation will be a virtual event coming this Thursday.
Thursday, Dec. 2nd 10:00-11:00
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 875 9887 6347
Passcode: 894918
Kindness Is Cool
Here are some more examples of kindness happening at our school these past couple of weeks. We have the best students!
Bently Cox (5th grade) – put down classmates’ chairs who were absent
Silas Esta, Rigby Young & Ranger Shosted (5th grade) – helped Mrs. Sangren carry in boxes
Evie Wallace (1st grade) – helped put balls away
Sam Fish (2nd grade) – put away fidget toys left out in the Eagles Nest
Emmie Hedlund (1st grade) – helping her classmate with their headphones
Marcus Rollins (Kindergarten) – cleaning up his area in the classroom
School Website:
Instagram: silvermesa_eagles
Parent Volunteer application link:
Lunch Menus:
PTA News
Spirit Wear- Order until Dec 4th
After a much long wait, our spirit wear is ready to order. In addition to our normal Eagle prints, we have spirit wear available with our PTA Theme- Kindness Begin with Me. We hope you love it as much as we do! (Orders will not get in until the start of the year)
Come Play With PTA
There are some Come Play With PTA events coming up for our PTA members. This program is one of the benefits of membership and gives you discounts to activities around the valley. Click on the links below to get the details!
PTA Membership:
Be a voice for your child! Just $6.50 to provide national, state and local advocacy for your student. No participation/volunteering is required beyond signing up as a member, but you are always welcome!
Sign up today:
Want to know where your dues go?
Upcoming Dates
Nov. 29th—Last day to register for the Science Fair
Dec. 1st—SCC virtual Meeting; 7:15 am; All are welcome!
Dec. 2nd—5th Grade NOVA graduation
Dec. 3rd—Remote Learning Day; Teacher preparation day; No students in person. Teachers will let you know what school work is expected for that day.
Dec. 10th—3rd grade program for parents; 9:00 in the gym; Masks are highly encouraged
Dec. 17th—Spirit Day; Pajama Day
Have a great day!
Julie Fielding, Principal
Silver Mesa Elementary