8920 S. 1700 East, Sandy, UT 84093

Monday Minute 11.22.2021

Dear Parents,

Thank you for all your help and support in lowering our positive Covid cases attached to our school.  Starting next Monday, Nov. 29th, we will be back at Tier 1 protocols and welcome volunteers into our building.  I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving break!


Kindergarten Parents

Nov. 23rd is the last day to apply for the lottery for Dual Immersion for next year.  If you have a sibling already in the program, you are still required to apply for your kindergarten student.  Parents and guardians can apply online any time before that date. 


School Aide Positions Open

We currently have openings for aides to work in our school.  If you or someone you know would like to work only while school is in session, please reach out.   We’d love to hire positive people who would enjoy the school setting.


NOVA Graduation for 5th Graders

Our 5th graders have been working hard learning the skills of NOVA taught by our resource officer.  Their graduation will be a virtual event coming soon.

Thursday, Dec. 2nd  10:00-11:00

Join Zoom Meeting:



Meeting ID: 875 9887 6347

Passcode: 894918


Kindness Is Cool

Here are some more examples of kindness happening at our school these past couple of weeks.  We have the best students!

Matthew Salcedo Ramirez (3rd grade) – gave up his sphero so a classmate could play with it

Dean Bullock (Kindergarten) – jumping in to help friends clean up their station

Matthew Youngblook (Kindergarten) – listening to and being considerate of others

Ryleigh Shiflett & Lily Bartholomew (5th grade) – abogar por un companero que necesita ayuda

Patrick Whipple (5th grade) – sitting next to someone who was sitting alone

Vivian Taylor (Kindergarten) – playing with a friend that needed a buddy

Kate Simpson (Kindergarten) – straightening desks and pushing in chairs

Cache McIver (1st grade) – picking up a friends gift

Blair Wilcox (1st grade) – helped put balls away

School Website:  https://silvermesa.canyonsdistrict.org/

Instagram:  silvermesa_eagles

Parent Volunteer application link:  https://volunteer.canyonsdistrict.org/volunteersystem/volunteer/

Lunch Menus:  https://canyonsdistrict.nutrislice.com/menu/silver-mesa/lunch/2021-11-01




PTA News

Spirit Wear

After a much long wait, our spirit wear is ready to order. In addition to our normal Eagle prints, we have spirit wear available with our PTA Theme- Kindness Begin with Me. We hope you love it as much as we do! Order Form will be up and running by tonight.



Come Play With PTA

There are some Come Play With PTA events coming up for our PTA members.  This program is one of the benefits of membership and gives you discounts to activities around the valley.  Click on the links below to get the details!






There will not be a board meeting in December.  The next board meeting is Jan. 4th at 12:30.


PTA Membership:

Be a voice for your child! Just $6.50 to provide national, state and local advocacy for your student. No participation/volunteering is required beyond signing up as a member, but you are always welcome!

Sign up today:

Want to know where your dues go? 




Upcoming Dates

Nov. 23rd—Last date for parents of kindergarten students to apply for the Dual Language Immersion program starting in 1st grade. Parents and guardians can apply online anytime before Nov. 23.  Siblings of current DLI students must also apply.

Nov. 24th-26th—Thanksgiving Recess; No School

Nov. 29th—Last day to register for the Science Fair

Dec. 1st—SCC virtual Meeting; 7:15 am;  All are welcome!   https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/82999368357?pwd=UlFKYTdZeE1jNXVtc2Y3RHZNTkI2Zz09

Dec. 2nd—5th Grade NOVA graduation

Dec. 3rd—Remote Learning Day; Teacher preparation day; No students in person.  Teachers will let you know what school work is expected for that day.


Have a great day! 


Julie Fielding, Principal

Silver Mesa Elementary



Taking the Stress and Anxiety Out of the Holiday Break

The Holiday break is an exciting time for students, free from school and work, full of family traditions, parties, gift-giving, and fun.  Children look forward to this magical time of year, but for parents, it often leads to stress and dread. The break from their daily routine can often lead to anxiety for youth and adults. Adults, as well as children, rely on the stability of day-to-day routine as part of their mental health care.

For many, the holiday season brings travel, visits from family, parties, food, and friends. For others, it brings stress, loneliness, isolation, anxiety, and depression. Here are some things to help minimize the effects of the holiday season chaos, to improve your family’s mental health.

  1. Keep some part of your schedule the same each day. You might get up at the same time and have breakfast together as you would during the school year.
  2. Try not to over schedule, allow time to relax and spend quality time as a family. It is okay to say “No” when feeling overly stressed
  3. Look for signs that you or your child are overstimulated and have a backup plan when it gets to be overwhelming. 
  4. Make family and friends aware of any special needs your child may have. This allows for more kindness and patience when an overly stressed child acts out.
  5. Allow your child to have input on the holiday plans and the people they would like to see.
  6. Find positive ways to keep kids occupied. They’ll feel happier and better behaved when they are actively engaged in an activity, such as family projects and traditions.
  7. Having realistic expectations for both children and adults can help lessen the stress and anxiety the season brings. No one has a perfect Instagram-worthy holiday break! Try not to set unattainable expectations for yourself or your children. Set parameters on gifts and vacation plans ahead of time to avoid any unexpected disappointment.
  8. For many, the holidays heighten already present anxiety and depression symptoms. It is good to be aware of this and check in often to making sure symptoms aren’t worsened during the extended break. 
  9. Look for opportunities to help and serve others as a teaching experience and a way to encourage gratitude for the gifts and experiences they received this year.

Consider these simple tips to help your family have a happy and meaningful holiday season.


Benée Larsen      
Program Director, Prevention by Design