8920 S. 1700 East, Sandy, UT 84093

Monday Minute 5.24.21

Dear Eagles,

Thanks for a fun Field Day, PTA! The Olympic theme was great.  Every class represented a real or pretend country and created their own flag which they brought to each station. So many volunteers helped at the stations and helped with students.  The fire truck was a big hit.  It was a lot of fun!

And a huge thank you to our community for all their support this year.  What a crazy year it has been with changing protocols due to the pandemic. I’m so proud of our students.  Thank you for all you do for students and teachers.  Silver Mesa is an awesome school!  

Chrome books

All chrome books are due back to the school by Wed., May 26th.  You can bring them by anytime and turn them into the front office. 



Michelle Elbel, our paraeducator in the resource room, earned special honors this past week.  She was recognized as the District Paraeducator of the Year!  This honor was wel-deserved.  She is amazing!


May Eagles of the Month

Congratulations to all our awesome eagles!


Keller AM: Quinn Swanson

Keller PM: Charles Gedge

Crabtree: Cache McIver


1st grade:

Milianta: Michael Young

Orosco: Samantha Fish 

Latoni: Miles Twitchell

Sanz: Abraham Rasmussen 


2nd grade:

Coleman: Wyatt Ray 

Guzman: Briella Smith

Gallo: Peter Sophia Merket

Vincent: Cady Hillier


3rd grade:

Wilkinson: Aria Matulonis 

Kunzler: Mason Cox

Ferre: Jayde Lee

Trifilio: Elsa Nordgren

Smith’s: Khalid Ibrahim


4th grade:

Baird: Kainoa Apo

Arbeloa: Brooklyn Cone 

Brown: Andrew Workman

Fowden: Adison Sanchez

Hayes: Angel Ordunu Beltran


5th grade:

Deem: Lily Ylst

Sandgren: Santiago Pineros-Cely

Perez: Andrew Johnson

Nelson: Ashton Moore


Race Cats

Our elementary school running group just participated in a meet, and here are some students from Silver Mesa who received some honors.  Congratulations!

            2nd Place

            Kitara Burkhour; Long Jump

            Sean Walsh; 1600 m


            3rd Place

Kitara Burkhour; 400 m

Cooper Bullock; Shot Put

Carter Self; Long Jump

Braxton Cone; 1600 m



Kindness Is Cool

Here are some more examples of kindness happening at our school these past couple of weeks.  We have the best students!

Serenity Slusser (3rd grade) – She is kind to everyone surrounding her 

Hunter Backman (3rd grade) – being very kind to his teacher and classmates

Kyson Smolka (kindergarten) – running with a friend when they were hurt

Sam Murray (5th grade) – helping put away extra chrome books in the Library

George Egan (5th grade) – helping put away extra chrome books in the Library

Bridger Bollow (4th grade) – politely making sure all of his classmates received their supplies before he took any

Beth Wilcox (4th grade) – asked a friend if she’d like to help her with a fun classroom job

Ryleigh Shiflett (4th grade) gave up a classroom job for someone who hadn’t had a chance yet to do it

Wesley Whiting (5th grade) – helping check in library books

Miriam Beus (5th grade) – knew her friend was out sick so she stepped in to fill the hall monitor spot without being asked

Edan Beall (5th grade) – gave out ‘poppers’ when kids were stressed during testing

O’rylon Sharrow (4th grade) – Making sure everyone was included in a group activity in movement!

Emma Reich (5th grade) – abeir su zona de comfort para descubeir el potencial de otros personas

SageSavage(2nd grade) – Some boys wouldn’t allow another boy to be in their group during STEM.  Sage came up and asked if he would join her group.


Instagram link:  silvermesa_eagles

School Website:  https://silvermesa.canyonsdistrict.org/


PTA News


Let’s kick off the summer with soups, salads, sandwiches and treats!  Our last family fundraiser will be TOMORROW,

TUESDAY, May 25th, 4-9pm

9242 S. Village Shop Dr. Sandy (Quarry Bend location)

If you are ordering online, please use FUNDRAISER25 as your promo code.  If you are dining in, you must mention Silver Mesa to get credit for our school. 


Grab it on your way to baseball or soccer or piano or dance or football or…. whatever is making your life crazy this last week of school!



As it is our last week of school, we want to thank all of our parents for supporting us this year.  We know volunteer opportunities were limited, but thank you for showing up in whatever ways you could–whether that be out at lunchtime activities, out on Safety Patrol, running class parties and teacher appreciation, teaching art & music, encouraging your kids to participate, taking care of our dear teachers or sending in donations of all sorts.  Community support is one of the things that makes Silver Mesa so great. We appreciate you! Have a great summer!


At the end of each year, PTA sends out a needs assessment to plan for the following year.  Your input is needed!  Please take a minute to fill out this quick form.  Thank you!





All of the 4th & 5th graders who have helped run our Safety Patrol this year will celebrate with a Pizza Party tomorrow. It will be held during school at the end of day.  Thank you also to all the parents who sacrificed their time to show up for our kids and help keep them safe this year!


Thank you to all who helped make today a success, and to Jenn Stout for organizing it all.  So much fun!  


There’s just one more spot to fill for next year.  Let us know if you’re interested!  We’ve got an amazing board for next year.  Come join the fun!

White Ribbon Week

Plan and organize parent volunteers to run activities during White-Ribbon week, which can be whenever we want it to be! White Ribbon Week is a fun-filled elementary school program that helps kids make healthy choices in media and technology. Every day, kids learn a new principle of online behavior through stories, classroom discussions and fun activities.



 Upcoming Dates

May 24th—Students and staff may choose to wear masks this last week of school but they are not required.

May 26th—Online students return their devices and books to Silver Mesa; 8:30-10:30 am (or anytime before this date)

May 27th—Last Day of School for grades 1st-5th; School will dismiss at 12:20; No breakfast or lunch will be served this day.


Here’s to another GREAT week!


Julie Fielding, Principal

Silver Mesa Elementary

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org