Dear Eagles,
Our students enjoyed a fun outdoor assembly last week. Thanks, PTA, for arranging a high-energy show with a kindness message!
End of Year Testing
We began our end of year testing today. Our 3rd-5th graders are doing the state test called RISE. All grades are doing some short reading and math tests with district testers today and tomorrow, and kindergarten will have their state KEEP assessment the last week of May with a scheduled appointment. Everyone has worked so hard, and we’re excited to see how much our students have grown!
We love volunteers! As a reminder, in order to volunteer in our school you’ll need proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test within 14 days of your volunteering shift. Our school can furnish you with a voucher for free, rapid testing at the Canyons District Office (see details below).
Canyons District Office (9361 S. 300 East in Sandy)
Simply register at this link and line up inside your vehicle outside the north entrance of the District Office parking garage at any of the following times and days:
- Monday, 6:30 – 8:30 a.m.
- Wednesday, 3 – 5 p.m.
- Friday, 8 – 10 a.m.
April Eagles of the Month
Congratulations to all our awesome eagles!
Keller AM: Ryker Lucey
Keller PM: Greyson Smith
Crabtree: John Murray
1st grade:
Milianta: Cole Almy
Orosco: Troy Zobell
Latoni: Talon Titus
Sanz: Weston Taylor
2nd grade:
Coleman: Siena Jensen
Guzman: Sadie Taylor
Gallo: Jake Larsen
Vincent: Brooke Portiss
3rd grade:
Wilkinson: Giancarlo Lemoine
Kunzler: Hadley Madsen
Ferre: Hadley Layton
Trifilio: Hayden Jensen
Mrs Smith(Tingey): Rebecca Wallenberg
4th grade:
Baird: Rigby Young
Arbeloa: Jonathan Wilde
Brown: Paizli Martin
Fowden: Ethan Judkins
5th grade:
Deem: Lacie Zank
Hayes: Marcus Fernandez
Sandgren: Ally Williams
Perez: Mabel Erekson
Nelson: Ryan Simmons
Kindness Is Cool
Here are some more examples of kindness happening at our school these past couple of weeks. We have the best students!
Cannon Almy (3rd grade) – helping cheer up a friend
Carson Burgon (1st grade) – turning in money that was found to the front office
Marley Simmonds (3rd grade) – sharing his whiteboard marker with a classmate. Also fixing a whiteboard marker!
Ryder Conway (1st grade) – picking up jump ropes at recess!
Elsie Zobell (3rd grade) – always kind and respectful
Scarlet Younglove (1st grade) – helping clean at recess!
Dylan Hatch (4th grade) – helping a student on a math assignment
Brad Rasmussen (4th grade) – Hanging around after school helping put away our lunch count
Serena Morrison (1st grade) – sharing with her friends
Weston Taylor (1st grade) – switching seats to help his friend
Addie Orullian (3rd grade) – helping another student with their writing!
Maria Izazaga-Lopez (1st grade) – helping another student who was hurt (getting their coat for them as well)
At Home Learning Tech Support
Or call: (801) 826-5200
Instagram link: silvermesa_eagles
School Website:
PTA News
We need to have a quorum today to vote on next year’s board, plus a budget adjustment. We need to hear your voice!
Topic: Silver Mesa PTA General Meeting
Time: May 3, 2021 12:30 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 878 5830 9727
Passcode: 432544
This Tuesday, we are asking students to wear their teacher’s favorite color. You can find all your teacher’s favorites on the PTA Website.
This Thursday, we are asking students to bring in notes of appreciation. You may also contribute to a class gift being collected by your room parent if you so choose.
Check with your room parent(s) for further direction. Let’s make sure our teachers feel the love!!!
We’re so excited that we get to host Field Day this year! It will be held on Monday, May 24th, from 12:00-2:55pm, with an Olympic theme. We certainly could use your help. Please sign up here!
This is new! Our board positions for the 2021-22 are posted on our website for your review. We will be voting on these positions at our last PTA meeting of the year, today at 12:30pm via zoom. We need at least 10 members present to vote. Please try to attend!
And… these are the last two spots open for our board next year:
You will help organize the membership campaign, to get members to register for PTA at the beginning of the school year, and enter names into the PTA database for the year. It is typically done at back-to-school night and during the first few weeks of school.
Red Ribbon Week
Plan and execute activities during Red-Ribbon week, which is typically the last week of October. Red Ribbon week is our annual pledge to “Say No to Drugs and Alcohol” and activities are centered around that theme.
Zupas Family Fundraiser: May 25th
Upcoming Dates
May 3rd-14th—RISE testing for grades 3rd-5th Please send students rested with lots of energy and enthusiasm to do their best!
May 7th—Drive-through to turn in paperwork for next year’s kindergarten students; 10:00-12:00
May 17th—School-wide Rockathon (a spirited activity focused on fitness and fun! We’ll be combining our traditional Jogathon and Dance Festival into a great event held here on campus. We won’t gather with an audience, but we’ll try to get pictures and video to post for parents. There will not be a school fundraiser this year. Thanks for all your support!)
May 19th—SCC Meeting; 7:15 am; via Zoom; All are welcome!
May 19th—Orchestra Concert; 5:00 pm; limited numbers and masks are required.
May 20th—Last day of school for kindergarten students.
May 24th—Field Day
May 26th—Online students return their devices and books to Silver Mesa; 8:30-10:30 am
May 27th—Last Day of School for grades 1st-5th; School will dismiss at 12:20
Here’s to another GREAT week!
Julie Fielding, Principal
Silver Mesa Elementary