8920 S. 1700 East, Sandy, UT 84093

Monday Minute 10.5.2020

Dear Eagles,

We had Picture Day this past week, and if you missed it, retakes will occur on Nov. 2nd.  We will have class pictures outside with masks on this Wed. Oct. 7th.  PTA will be taking these pictures.

Friday Change

There won’t be in-person school this Friday, but the learning will still continue!  Teachers will be sending home some tasks for students to complete on Fridays.  Teachers may assign online assignments and/or paper/pencil assignments.   If your child doesn’t have access to technology at home, there will be other options they can do to support their learning. It would be a great day for all students to get lots of reading minutes in and support our PTA’s fundraiser this month. 

Teachers will have office hours from 10:00-noon on Fridays if you would like to set an appointment with them or call in that day with questions. 


Online Spanish Learners

The state has rolled out their supports for dual immersion students.  Here’s a link to the district website with grade specific activities.



Kindness Is Cool

Here are some more examples of kindness happening at our school these past couple of weeks.  We have the best students!

Enzo Tarantini (2nd grade)—Being a good sport and telling others “Good Job!” when he lost.

Mila Brooks (4th grade)—always helping others when they need it!

Kyson Smolka (Kindergarten)—holding the door for the teacher and students

Lila Alderson (4th grade)—Always waves to say hello!

Jake Larsen (2nd grade)—stopped working on his rocket to help another student finish.  Then he gave his own finished rocket to another classmate so they could launch it.

Aspen Arias (3rd grade)—moved seats to include everyone.


SALTA Testing

This year, students will be able to test during the day at our own school to see if they qualify to participate in the district’s gifted and talented program.  The deadline to apply for testing is Oct. 16th.  A flyer was sent out to all families with information about registering. Here’s a link:  https://www.canyonsdistrict.org/general-news/salta-testing-apply-to-test-for-placement-in-canyons-advanced-learning-program/


PTA News


Our Read-a-thon Fundraiser starts TODAY and goes through Nov. 2nd.  Look for the envelope and packet that comes home today. Here are some basic things to help you know what’s going on: 

  1.     We are asking families to pledge “per minute” to go along with current reading requirements at Silver Mesa, or simply donate a flat donation.  We’re hoping students read 200 more minutes in the month than they usually would—but whatever they can do is great!
  2.     BINGO sheets are for recording minutes and adding some fun and diversity this month in their reading. They will be returned each Monday (except weeks 2&3 are combined due to the fall break).  Prizes will be awarded to classes and individuals based on these sheets—so they must be turned in Monday mornings to our box outside of the front office.
  3.     Students are being provided a “book spine” to fill out and/or decorate each time they finish a book. The first one is attached to their pledge packet, and teachers will be given more to pass out as students need them.  These can be turned into the box outside the front office and these will be added to our bookshelf bulletin board in the cafeteria hallway to showcase all the books we’ve read as a school.

4) Prize posters will be posted, but basically, students can earn prizes for:  turning in their BINGO sheets, getting a BINGO, getting a Blackout, reading the most minutes per grade or per class, etc.  If Silver Mesa Students collectively read 350,000 minutes between now and Nov. 2nd, we will host a pie-throwing party with (at) the teachers.  For earning the most money, students can earn a trip to a socially-distant movie experience and/or Principal for a Day!  If we earn our goal of$10,000, Ms. Fielding will dye her hair BLUE! 


We’d love help with contributions to the prize box! (small gift cards, small prizes, etc.) Please email silvermesapta@gmail.comif you have something to contribute. Thanks!



Participating in Reflections this year has SO MANY PERKS!  Check out our website to learn more.  Entries due Oct. 26th. 


Hispanic Heritage Month

Sept. 15th-Oct. 15th is Hispanic Heritage Month.  We have an awesome bulletin board on display in the school hallway celebrating the contributions of Hispanics who have contributed great things to our world.  


Social Media

Congratulations to Sariah Beus for being our winner this week!  This is our LAST WEEK of our drawings.  Tag your friends and help get them in the know!



Upcoming Dates

Oct. 6th—Book Walk

Oct. 7th—Class Pictures

Oct. 7th—SCC Meeting; 7:15 AM; Virtual on Google Meet;  all are welcome: Meeting ID


Oct. 8th—Sack Lunches will go home with every student on Thursdays for the Friday we are not in school.  It will have milk and other items that may need refrigeration so please watch for that coming home.

Oct. 8th—Pajama Day

Oct. 14th—Dress Like Your Favorite Book Character Spirit Day

Oct. 15-16th—Fall Break; No School

Oct. 16th:  Deadline to apply for SALTA testing

Oct. 20th—Papa Murphy’s Family Dinner Fundraiser Week

Oct. 22nd—Spirit Day:  Rainbow Day!  Each grade will wear the color determined by the Student Council.  Kindergarten—yellow; 1st grade—orange;  2nd grade—green; 3rd grade—red;  4th grade—blue;  5th grade—purple 

Oct. 26th-29th—Red Ribbon Week

Oct. 29th—Halloween class parties; We will not have a parade this year as we can’t have large gatherings.  Volunteers to help with parties will be limited.  Thanks for understanding!

Nov. 2nd—Picture Retakes



Here’s to another GREAT week!


Julie Fielding, Principal

Silver Mesa Elementary


Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org