Dear Eagles,
Thank you for participating in our virtual Parent Teacher conferences last week. And a special shout out to all who helped provide dinners to our teachers. It was very much appreciated. We have an amazing community, and we are grateful for your support!
Friday Change—in-person and online learning
This Friday will be our last short day for a while as we won’t have in-person school on Fridays for the next few months starting the week of Oct. 5th. The Canyons School Board voted last week to adjust the calendar and move to a 4-day in-person school
week with Fridays out for some additional planning time for teachers and some practice and assignments for students to work on at home. This will affect our online learners as well as we work to give teachers more planning time. Additional information will be coming soon as to how the school lunches will be available on that day and specific times that our teachers will have office hours to support their students.
Picture Day is Today!
Today is Picture Day for all students. Those who are learning at home may come to the north doors (cafeteria/gym) from 1:00-2:00 to have their picture taken. If there is a wait, we will keep students outside lining up with social distancing.
Kindness Is Cool
Here are some more examples of kindness happening at our school these past couple of weeks. We have the best students!
5th grade:
Amira Kirby—Giving up her “wheely” chair to another student without complaint.
Beth Beus—Noticed a neighbor by her who didn’t have a partner and offered to be her partner.
Olivia Laws—Holding open the door and waiting
Kellen Nelson (2nd grade)—giving up his extra prize so someone else could have it
Lincoln Bird (2nd grade)—Always willing to help others, helps others pick up their things
Audrey Reich (kindergarten)—helping a friend at recess and including others.
PTA News
Thank Yous
Thank you to all the families that so generously donated to feed our teachers during PT conferences. WE APPRECIATE YOU!!!
Thank you to all who supported our on-line book fair and bought books for our teachers!
Thank you to all who have donated books for our book walk!
Book Donations
We still have three more days to collect books for our book walk next week. We could really use more “older kid” books. If your bookshelves are overflowing, now’s the time to thin them out! Donations are due by Sept. 30th, and the donation bin is right outside the front doors at school.
Masterpiece Art & Music
Starting in October. Our general meeting will be Via Zoom this Wednesday, Sept. 30th, at 10:00am. If you’ve been meaning to sign up to help teach these fun lessons, please email your teacher today! Or email for a zoom link.
Read-a-thon Fundraiser–starts next week! What book will you read first?
Join us for the 2020-2021 Reflections Contest!
What is reflections? A national PTA program where kids can express themselves using many different art forms. There is no cost to participate.
The Reflections contest due date has been extended to October 26th.
This year’s theme: “I Matter Because”
New this year – Reflections participation drawing. Every entry earns the student one ticket into the drawing (a student may enter once in each category)
Prizes include: Free horseback riding lesson from Headin Home horse rescue, Free sewing or cooking class from The Finishing School, Wood Burning Kit, Art skills colored pencil set. 100 colored pencils
How to enter?
- Pick your category (music, dance, film, literature, photography, 2d or 3d art)
- Review the rules (
- Create your art
- Write your artist’s statement – 10 to 100 words. Describe how your art relates to the theme, I Matter Because. The artist statement is worth 40% of your points
- Submit your entry online by October 26th at
*Keep your art just in case we are allowed to have an in-person art display.
*Winners will continue on to Council, Regionals and possibly State competitions.
Silver Mesa had 3 Council Winners and 1 Region winner last year.
Video instructions on how to enter
If you need help submitting your entry download the form from and have your parents sign it, bring it to school (dates to be announced) and we will help you submit it. Contact for questions.
Volunteers Needed
Would you like to help run our box tops collection program? It’s SUPER easy–we’d love some help keeping the program running and money flowing back to our school! We are also still looking for a Kindness project chair, or even committee members. And, you guessed it–we’d still love some help with Safety Patrol.
Please reply to
Social Media Winner this week: Tina Alcivar!!!! Thanks for supporting and following Silver Mesa!
As you know by now, the census will officially end on September 30, 2020, which could lead to a larger than expected undercount in historically undercounted communities. Utah participation as of 8/10/20: 67.5% Utah 2010 final self-response rate 68.6% Complete the survey in one of 13 languages, online or by phone. Or by mail. Online: Phone: 844-330-2020 • There is no citizenship question on the Census. • Your responses are confidential and will not be shared with anyone. That means no law enforcement agency, no employer, and no landlord. • Responding to the 2020 Census helps your community receive its fair share of funding for schools, hospitals, safer roads and access to health clinics.
Upcoming Dates
Sept. 28th—Picture Day; 1:00-2:00 open for preschoolers and at-home learners—come to the north doors not the front office.
Oct. 7th—SCC Meeting; 7:15 AM; Virtual; all are welcome and a code will be sent out next Monday Minute.
Oct. 15-16th—Fall Break; No School
Oct. 22nd—Spirit Day: Rainbow Day! Each grade will wear the color determined by the Student Council. Kindergarten—yellow; 1st grade—orange; 2nd grade—green; 3rd grade—red; 4th grade—blue; 5th grade—purple
Oct. 29th—Halloween class parties; We will not have a parade this year as we can’t have large gatherings. Volunteers to help with parties will be limited. Thanks for understanding!
Here’s to another GREAT week!
Julie Fielding, Principal
Silver Mesa Elementary