Last night the district office sent out a survey to see how many students would like to check out a chrome book to use at home. Principals have been tasked with arranging a time for you to pick them up. We are working on them right now and should be ready for pick up by 1:00 this afternoon and will stay open for pick up until 3:00.
We’ll have you come to the north doors into the cafeteria like we are doing this morning for packet and math book pick up. You must register on the district survey and agree to the conditions listed there. If your name is not on that survey, we can’t check one out to you, so please do that process first.
Many of you have more than one student here, but we are only allowing one chrome book checked out per family. We won’t be checking out iPads.
Thank you for rolling with the changes that keep coming! Please reach out to the school phone or by email to get information.
Take care,
Julie Fielding, Principal